In post #1 I typed; To many meatheads pushing tin in my opinion. Your one of those pilots? Your a pilot?
Well I assumed pushing tin, which ATC guys call it, referred to airliners. That followed your no flying comment so I assumed you meant Airplane pilots. Either way I thought it was kinda funny.
Ah yes, Good ole (real) tin pushers. We critique & laugh at you kids also. Not meaning to wonder far from the marine topic, I did mention that I did not like to fly any more in post #1; It is getting harder for myself to get in line, another line, another line, then herded and packed like cattle, Just to sit on the tarmac for hours, awaiting a slot to become available for a scheduled 50 minute flight. I have lost patience and faith in people controlling boats, ships and planes. THEN, I can not reach up and Jethro them.
Typing of; Boat, ship and plane drivers. The ultimate all-in-one; Norse.. Almost,, Almost within reach..
Agreed Ralph, only time it’s fun to travel on an airplane is when it won’t leave without you. I am going to use the meathead comment though, it definitely fits sometimes.
Usually the way it is meant. I do have a Crappy sense of humor. Most here tolerate me. Sometimes, Sometimes even the owner/operator of this fine web site. All this typing is making me thirsty
Naw brother, Your almost in range for a hug and head smack. You and David are near neighbors now. I've got better names for you..