From 1997, I have it in PDF. Shows the dip switch setting and spme specs. 7 pages full of mostly nothing. I'll send it to you. What issues you having with that reef material? Your ship home yet?
I just got it to replace my current "dumb" converter but i'm interested in knowing how it works. Mostly just want to know if it's smart enough to turn itself off when you start the engines. Does it sense the alternator charging and shut itself off?
Yeah, It's been here in MS since september. A work in progress, the former owner was a real piece of work, a lying crook!!
Yours may not, just deliver current until a float charge is met. My old Raritans will turn themselves off (with an extra wire connect) but I do not think any new chargers do. On some boats, you can see the engines alternator and older charger fight each other trying to achieve an absorb charge level. I used to tell my customers to turn their charger off while operating the boat with gen-set running. Some other boats like Cabo, must have gen-set and charger on for the house battery to get juice. So you need to figure out what you really have, how it is working and what you can do (if anything) to help the batteries last longer. Your boat may just have two ships battery banks (like mine). Each for starting one engine and half of the house load per bank. Keep us up on this and your other projects.