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Need Advice on Preventing Mold & Mildew

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by 3 ROYS, Nov 3, 2022.

  1. 3 ROYS

    3 ROYS New Member

    Jan 25, 2020
    Still a newbie and getting prepared for our second "winter" (in NorCal that just means low 40s, rain & fog). We're going to be gone and leave our boat (1981 Hatteras 53) in the slip on shore power for a few months this winter. We've already found some minor mold & mildew and treated it but, have some concern about how to prevent it during our absence. My wife has some respiratory issues and is extremely sensitive to mold & mildew so, we want to be very proactive.

    Here is what we've done/plan to do:
    - Used portable ionic air cleaners & dehumidifiers to clean and dry air with good results (less musty smells and mildew)
    - Used Practical Sailor Formula A on curtains & varnished teak to kill & retard mildew growth; it worked well and we plan to use Formula A on these surfaces periodically
    - We plan to use a carpet steam cleaner on the salon & stateroom carpets and fabric furniture covers with a cleaner that addresses mold because, Formula A discolors the carpet (we tested it in the closet)
    - We tried the "ventilate" method by leaving selected portholes open (with screens) but, the "seal it up" method seems more effective and is necessary for dehumidifiers to work
    - We've checked under our mattresses and found no mold or mildew but, still plan to put ventilation tiles under them to be sure.

    - I've read mixed reviews on the benefits/risks of using low output heaters to prevent mold/mildew. What kind of low output heaters are safe to leave unattended in the boat to prevent mold/mildew?
    - Is leaving on a few incandescent bulbs going to produce enough heat?
    - What experience have you had with tea tree oil on hard surfaces?

    Please comment on any of the items above. We're open to all suggestions & input based on your experience.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Steam clean before you leave?? Lets leave some extra water behind in the carpet and furniture,, rite before we leave.
    Please scratch that. Do it when you return to the boat and can run the A/Cs well.

    Do you have later A/C controls? The later A/C systems have a de-humidify program.
    Since they will offer better air circulation, it may be a better option to lave the sea cocks open and A/Cs running in de-humidify mode.

    Wet or damp surface/condensation/ no air circulation = mold.

    Block all closet, cabin doors, pantries and storage in a well opened position.

    "We've already found some minor mold & mildew and treated it"

    Where was this?
  3. 3 ROYS

    3 ROYS New Member

    Jan 25, 2020
    Found it on curtains and on walls; removed both with Formula A. It also accumulates in port holes/hatches, which we spot treat.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I’m in a rain forest (literally) and have stored my boat in the winter in the slip many times. I use two small ceramic style electric heaters with one down in the master stateroom and one in the salon. I just set them on a low setting which is usually around 45 degrees or so. Then I use a small dehumidifier and run the drain line into a shower drain or similar. I’ve not had any mold or mildew. I like to put the dehumidifier in the passageway down between the staterooms. This way it is getting the heavier colder air and circulating around in each room.
  5. 3 ROYS

    3 ROYS New Member

    Jan 25, 2020
    Thx for the input Dockmaster. What make/model heater? Why do you think they’re safe to leave unattended?

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I’ve not had any issues with the electric heaters. I think mine are Vornado or something like that. But keep in mind I only have them on a low setting.
  7. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    I am in PNW, AKA wet and stormy. Today we had an atmospheric river hose us down, winds on Mt. Hood over 100MPH... but I digress.
    I rarely leave my 50' two cabin sedan cruiser for more than 2-3 weeks but...

    I have two electric oil radiators set on low on full time when away. Have done so for years. I have boat washing weekly so the crew always check shore power cord connection to be sure it is not loosened.

    I am a fan of Froli system for under mattresses:
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