I did pass on the offer. I actually found one in Aransas Pass that was a 43, in MUCH better condition (except a transmission that needs to be rebuilt) for less than a 3rd of the price. It too needs lots of work, but I can justify the work due to the low price and the overall better condition. All fiberglass was good, one broken window that my glass guy is already prepping for, and have to redo the salon, but I already have the Vinyl planking I am going to use, at least temporarily, due to having a large amount left over from Rebuilding our house after Hurricane Laura. Waterproof flooring, so it worked out. I know there is a lot more to do - some wiring for lights, and the bathroom is a mess, but a good sound set of bones to work with. Going through all the paperwork, she should be mine in 2 weeks, pending the mechanical, etc surveys going well enough. Link to listing is here. https://www.popyachts.com/sport-fis...-sf-in-aransas-pass-texas-r4-308877?c=2061285 And yes, it is the one that was listed in Seabrook. Thanks for all the advice - I'll be back on asking tons of questions, for sure. In the meantime - I'll be looking to upgrade electronics; it currently has an (much) older Furuno GPS and radar, but that's it. Definitely want a chartplotter and sonar as well. Also eventually an autopilot. What is everyone's thoughts on what you would choose and why? My 22' center console has minimal electronics, and I haven't needed anything more. Thanks all!
First question; Are you young? I already know the answer to the second question. At no extra charge I also offer this advice; Watch your back when dealing with that Brokerage Firm. Get your own surveyors. Get your own attorney to offer the final purchase contract.
I'm guessing a TD 506 clutch. Why does it need to be rebuilt? Who did the previous engine work and why? Find out more about those steel raw water tubes? Car exhaust tubes or real stainless tubes? Original tubes were marine copper. Factory tubes are not available anymore. I've made them up with fiberglass tubes.
Define young. 46. I am hiring my own surveyor, it was a stipulation that I put in the contract - and I had my casino attorney review and make some changes to the contract. Is PopYachts a sketchy broker? The only boats I have personally purchased before were from individuals. Per the current owner, who they connected me with, the transmission was not holding pressure. The mechanic I brought with me, seems to believe that a rebuild is in order, I don't remember what he told me, but seemed comfortable that he could do it (thankfully at the friend rate). I will certainly find out about the raw water tubes, thank you. I appreciate all the input. Anything else?
Was an old joke I hoped you would get with a smile. Young & Not Smart were the answers. Young meaning it's a long job, And of course; Most of us here are Not smart, most of us own boats.
There's maybe some zen involved. One theory is to buy everything from the same manufacturer -- so there can be no finger pointing at the other guy if something goes wrong. The opposing theory is to buy best in class of each specific instrument, and then cobble them together as best you can. (NMEA2000 at least makes that somewhat easier, these days.) And then there's that pesky budget issue. Can you afford to do it all at once? Or is piecemeal the plan? Former lets you start with a clean sheet, latter could conceivably take some (at least temporary) advantage of stuff that's already there. (Radar, for instance.) Then too, would you do the installation yourself? Or hire an installer? (FWIW, I've had best luck with buying from a dealer who installs... and the ideally being "the helper" during the actual install.) Actual product features can be part of your research. Some MFD makers, for example, only offer vector charts whereas some offer both vector and raster (which I find useful at least for a little while longer). Some charge for annual chart updates (Garmin, for example) and some don't charge for annual NOAA chart updates (Furuno, for example). From reading, the "Big Four" -- Raymarine, Furuno, Garmin, and Navico (Simrad/B&G/etc) -- all pretty much offer similarly capable units... but with some providing better tweaking one feature or another. You'd want to shop. And then finally, it may be helpful to do nothing for a while... Get the boat, use the boat, think about it... eventually decide what you need, where it will live, redundancy (or not), etc. (Does the boat really not have a working depth finder?) FWIW, we have a mix of Raymarine, Garmin, Furuno, plus Icom for VHF radios. Raymarine AP because that was part of the boat's original equipment suite... and because it still works... pretty well, actually. Garmin because an MFD, radar, and depth finder came with the boat (a replacement suite chosen by a previous owner). That unit is now about 6 years old and it's already been superceded -- twice -- by newer Gamin units. New Furuno MFD (replacing another dead original), fishfinder, and AIS because that's what we had for about 12 years on the previous boat and I liked it. Two Icom "black box" radios because we don't have enough dashboard real estate for two actual radio heads... and because that's what we had on the previous boat etc etc etc. -Chris
I remember some other Post owners had Capitol gear/clutches. Can you find us the correct mfg & model number. Not holding pressure? Could be a couple of hang on items to look at before a whole clutch removal and rebuild. Get some samples oil sent to the labs ASAP from the engines and clutches (and gen-set?). This forum has some great Post owners. All good and helpful folk. They even put up with me at late hours. Just it may take a while for them to get on-line and back at you. Jobs, home and other things do get in the way sometimes.
I did, sorry. Lol. Already have a feeling of not smart buying ANOTHER boat. Ha! Around here, though, you have to define young. All the time. Om a serious note, though, Thank you for all the advice, I really appreciate it.
I never saw one with interior wood as dark as that one. If you have Capitols for gears , there are a couple threads here on the subject. I am not at my desk to give you names but the threads will have them, for an excellent Capitol gear guy on the East Coast. Or , PM me and when I return I will send you the info I have on them. What are the HP of your 671's ? Good luck with it, if you buy it, and please keep posting with your progress and updates.
We have an 1989 43. Have done a lot of interior upgrades, most all posted here in bits as they were done. Our Post has new CAT power so can't help much with engines. See if the boat comes with the original manual, they are very rare. If not a couple very useful wiring pages were provided to me by another Post owner on the site. If you PM me with an email I can forward on to you.
I wrote down what they were ,but don't have it on me. I am sponsoring the a Jr National Golf Tournament for the next 9 days, and am up here about 24/7 currently. But as soon as I can get at that, I will definitely let you know. HP is 485 If I end up getting I will definitely keep updating. Thanks!
It is not holding pressure per the prior owner - A hang on would be best case scenario for sure. What labs would I send the oil samples to? That is new to me and hasn't been mentioned that I have heard yet (And I haven't dealt with engines this size yet, so definitely learning). I've been very impressed with all the helpful people so far, thank you!
Your engine surveyor may have a favorite lab, I use the Cat labs and their SOS kits. Pending the clutch mfg and model; Filters, Selector valves, Oil pumps and hoses can mess up oil pressure. Look over these before going after internal shaft or pack seals. Would you have any pictures on your own, that include the clutches you could post? Or call that (ex-used car) sales person and ask what clutches are in her. This could be real important. Yes, The 6-71 TIB is solid at 485HP. BTW, I luv 71s. I know the straight 6 will turn forever. During sea trials you want to make sure she makes correct RPM @ WOT. You may want to warn the broker and seller of this. This will ensure the bottom is cleaned before your surveys. I would hope the suspect clutch would hold enough pressure to make a trial run. If not, You may have some more negotiation room on price. An As Is Price??? Still after surveys. Remember the first survey does 2 things; Helps you determine the value and work-ability of the boat. The first survey to go towards your insurance company. OOps, Insurance.. Have you talked to your agent yet? I saw that interior wood covered in some red tar. You are going to have challenges on that and the rest of the insides. I'm a bilge junkie. It is safer down there. Diesel, electricity, basic bilge plumbing is what I deal with. My wife drives the pretty parts. Thank goodness, she has this Monet attitude, it looks great 25 feet away. She further states, when a fish (on board) complains of an ugly boat, then we get a paint job. Post kids here have made some wonderful interiors. When you have questions, send lots of pictures (800 pix max) with your questions.
Did you move ahead on the boat ? There is a nice one for sale in Annapolis these days. 46 ft. w/ 692's. I know you are in Texas and that is a haul but it would make a realnice ride home.....
I had a 1976 Egg Harbor 36 Sportsfisher that had the same issue with the aft bulkhead in the cabin. The previous owner had new sheathing installed on the cockpit side which was an indication of a cover up. I pulled a drawer out from inside the cabin and found a very wet and mushy bulkhead. I did buy the boat, however it took some time for the seller to come around as I offered him 50% of the asking price as I knew what I was getting into. I ended up removing the whole bulkhead and replaced it completely with new. How did the deck of the flybridge feel? Spongy at all? Look closely at the fuel tanks - especially the bottoms if you can get access to them. I'm not sure where they are on a Post. They were under the aft cockpit on the Egg Harbor. I would have that bottom at least scrubbed and intake screens cleaned to facilitate a sea trial. You might discover more issues that will need to be budgeted for. Or assume all the risk and reduce your offer substantially. Sounds like a good project boat - good bones but needs a new home.
The fuel tanks are a very well known problem point. See if the tanks have settled. is there a gap above the tank in its hold downs. If the tank has appeared to settle, be very careful. Likely it will need a replacement.