That's somewhat unexpected. But then again, the owner is 80 so she might have another priorities right now. Edit: I've found this video made by Burgess. First time I see Carinthia VII's interior: LINK
I have some pictures of her interior, but I have not the rights to share them I have also some pics of sailing yacht A's interior but...same story. I can only say that SY A'interior is very...unusual, considering the exterior looks like a...old galleon
Thanks for sharing big news that she is for sale, also considering the owners age I doubt there will be a Carinthia VIII This is a very important yacht in the history of superyachts, she inspired so many superyachts to look similar to her. Tim Heywood's masterpiece. As for the interior I wasn't expecting anything different.
One of my most favorite yachts of all time. I have to assume Mrs. Horton is not building a successor and that would have been wonderful to see. Imagine a Carinthia VII. Also I am aware this yacht is a marina queen
Her name is Mrs. Heidi Horten, not Norton. I know Heidi personally for more than 40 years and also knew her deceased husband. Mrs. Horten is enjoying the twilight of her life in her home at the Wörthersee in Austria. Carinthia VII never travelled much but Heidi kept the dream yacht of her husband always in great shape and in prestine conditions. But a potential buyer will have to invest some money into Carinthia VII. This two big and heavy irons in her engine room are some real fuel to smoke and noice converters and a flag change would require most likely new engines. But other than that a great yacht in almost as new conditions.
You can download the high resolution GA and the brochure of Carinthia VII from the Fraser Website. A lot of internal and external pictures. Carinthia VII has actually 4 main engine. 2 each on a combining gear on two shafts. For slow cruising, one each can disconnected and shut down. But these 20 year old MTU 1163 engines are really not state of the art anymore as far as operating noise, smoke and exhaust gas quality are concerned. And this 4 large main engine underwater exhausts are really not timely anymore. But under the bottom line a beautiful ship with an interior in very good taste, I must say.
No doubt the Legendary Yacht! Heidi Horten ordered her to overwhelm Bannenberg's Limitless which turned to be an enlarged version of Carinthia VI and Heidi was very upset by this fact. With the same length Carinthia VII is much wider and more powerful than Limitless. BTW, I never seen any Model of Carinthia VII. Probably Lurssen must have one but never represented nowhere.
You have click on download symbol with the right mouse button and then click with the left button on the underlined letter below. That will start the download. If still unable, PM me Your Email adress, I will send the Pdf to You. The file is to large to post it on YF.
It has been widely reported that the owner of Carinthia VII Mrs. Heidi Horten passed very recently on Sunday I believe unexpectedly. Sorry for your loss @HTMO9 ...
Hello, I have tried to download the pdf brochure of Carinthia VII from the Fraser website and just can't for some reason. Can someone help me?
"Carinthia VII" has been sold. What an icon. Hopefully the new owner does not change her up for the worse.
"Carinthia VII" was carded to be at the Monaco Yacht Show this year but with the recent sale ...that obviously changed things. Last I checked she was headed to Rotterdam from Gibraltar.
She has now turned up at Blohm and Voss for refit after the sale. With Lurssen acquiring Blohm and Voss, she technically is having the refit at 'Lurssen'.
If I remember correctly she has 4x MTU 20V 1163 TB93. Each one of them produces 7.400 kW at MCR. With that kind of power plant she is just a bit short to pair with a Dilbar's PP. And Dilbar also ain't the slowest on water (under-powered) at WOT considering her dimensions. Why were they installing such a huge amount of power? Just because they could? Is there a story behind it? TIA.
Honestly, just prestige, to be faster than a rival at that time, if neccessary . But due to it's 2 in 1 configuration on each shaft, only one engine was used during cruise. She did not cruise very much anyway. Most of the time, she was the (pretty) harbour queen at Antibes. But always well cared for and in prestine conditions. One of my favorites. Been a guest on her quite often.