As Donzi has closed there is no contact. Roscioli cannot help apart from giving me one guys number who never calls back when I leave a voicemail. 2017 R-58 Need a set of rudders and port starboard nav lights. Anyone have any ideas on who manufactured these parts (if not in house)
Bob built the boats in Bradenton. Most components were American made. Maybe post a pic of the parts to see if someone recognizes them?
Welcome to Yacht Forums. The rudders were probably per the build. If your rudders were damaged, a new build will probably be required. Pictures of them and how installed would be helpful. A pic of the nav light will be helpful. I know Aqua-signal has dumped their older lines and I have been shopping e-bay for my customers. Please keep your pictures under 800 pixels for our members on short bandwidth.
RYC in Fort Lauderdale should be able to get you info you need. That is who was always able to answer my questions.
Hi thanks for the answers. RYC are no help at all. They give me someone's number who they recommend to give advice and parts. When I tell RYC that I get no answer and reply to voicemails left then they just say "sorry that's all we can do". Inserted a pic of the navigation light. Will check if Aquasignal made these nav light units. Thanks for the lead. One rudder is at the bottom of about 100m of water, will see if we can remove the other.
Your rudders look the same as mine. Those were made by Western Branch Metals in Va. If you remove the lamp there should be some part numbers or manufacturers information on it. WE-Rudder Brochure-eBrochure.indd (