Next lunar high tide @ 1826. I may find a wet deck in the porch, Central AC station out side may get wet. House may come close but should stay dry. I'll have the piles when the song is over.
Some good news; Even with some wind velocities picking up, we may be getting thin on rain as Ians bands get smaller on land or,,,, just a break before that next blob comes in for that final rinse.
Gcsi, Glad you made it out without a scratch but I m wondering where did you get the forecast showing “only” a cat 1 or less affecting Tampa? as early as Saturday, NHC had a 110mph hurricane just offshore Tampa bay, then on Sunday they forecasted it to be 120-140mph just offshore.
The NRL uses the official NHC forecast data to generate their graphics which showed a major hurricane just offshore the west coast 4 days before landfall
Question. Trying to get to ft Meyer's to bring gennies, fuel, food, chainsaws. Are the roads open? Do I need a pass to get thru?
I’m doing the same, Slim. Picking up provisions, loading up the 4runner and heading across the state. Did this during Hurricane Charley. Waiting until next week for roads to open up.
Exactly, Four days before….. closer to actual landfall ECMWF and GFS we in agreement with a south landfall trending eastward and a greatly diminished impact on Tampa. At that time a decision was made to not go all-in with regards to prep. In a somewhat earlier timeframe closely watched exactly where storm would cross Cuba. Also played heavily into calculus
Two or 3 big gennies, food water and whatever two 20k lb trailers can carry. Will have details on roads tomorrow. My friends at coral springs pd and fire are getting updated riad info.
For Charley I brought water, canned goods and paper supplies, BUT they really need generators, chainsaws, extension cords, batteries, flashlights, candles, bug spray and of course water. Tarps is another item overlooked. Pretty sure beer would be welcome too!
Pallet full of cords, pallet of water, 1000 gal tank of diesel fuel. Keep ideas coming pls. If anyone wants to join caravan leaving early Saturday. Need trucks and muscles. 954 444 6010 Going to bed, looong day. Speak with everyone tomorrow
Looks like Georgetown SC was in Ian's cross hairs this today. Hit as a strong Cat 1. Bands reaching past Maryland.
Traffic update, only issues I've heard was a little backed up on 75 with some police check points. Everyone got to there destination. Leaving 4 am tomorrow
I 75 in the Port Charlotte area is closed due to a breached Dam. Apparently water running over highway. This will create some major traffic issues.
When a typhoon struck down here, we kept the power to the docks on from our generators. They ran extra lines to the yacht club and we supplied them with fresh water for ten days. Still had plenty of fuel left