Ian will determine which direction my future boating flows, after many Hatt's over the years a 72 or 80 viking sf is/was in the future plans, guess Mother Nature will sadly become the deciding factor....hopefully not God Bless us all in Ian's path (Amen)
The 5PM has shifted a little more S yet again and I wouldn’t be surprised if it shifts again at 11pm. Good news for Tampa Bay which will be on the “weaker” side, bad news for Ft Myers area. Too late now but running the OWW to the east coast would have be the safe bet as late as this morning
My winter home is on the Caloosahatchee, flying down Saturday to triage. Meanwhile I sit and twiddle thumbs. I suspect it will move south a bit still, it will be ugly.
Now punching out south of StAug. For now, projected to come back between Brunswick and Savannah. We all need to hang on and stay in touch. Every 6 hours a crazy update.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the good people in the path of this storm. We've been there and know what you're going through.
Spent 17 happy years wintering in Bradenton. Wonderful people. Wonderful coast. 6+ foot storm surge is an appalling prospect. All best wishes and hopes for all Floridians in peril.
0030 forecast, crossing Florida, Punta Gorda to Ponce Inlet (south of Daytona). If this storm keeps shifting, it will end up turning around.
For anyone who likes to track and keep updated, Mike's Weather Page is both, informative and entertaining. https://spaghettimodels.com For many years I have watched him and use his tools to track and avoid the storms.
It s nice page of links but he suffers from acute SMstardomitis with the tee shirts, mugs and the dogs . for solid no BS analysis i much prefer Dr Cowan at https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/ once a day, no drama, no self promotion. Just fact and analysis. Good sat imagery as well as recon data NOAA has a special page to monitor water levels at tide stations that report actual levels. Interesting https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/inundationdb/storm/Ian.html this storm is a bit weird as since all the rain and tornadoes over soFl last night it s been very dry on the east side. Even not too far from the west coast.
So far, it's a non-event for the east coast. Just another breezy day in paradise. Yes, a few trees fell over but mother nature's pruning machine hasn't visited S. FL in forever.
Quite a few planes flipped at North Perry airport last night… not sure their owners would agree with your assessment … This was sent to us and close to where we keep our horse in Davie but other wise yes.. only 35 kts or so here in the grove. I removed the Bimini on my Hatt. Only had to re inflate one fender on the 110 which is pinned to the Tee by the eaterlies
Looking at the radar loop, it appears the wall is making landfall on Sanibel Island. This strip of land was nearly wiped out circa 2004 when Hurricane Charley came ashore as a Cat 4. The entire Ft. Myers area has grown substantially over the past 18 years. Most of the area is low-lying. Hard to speculate on the aftermath.
The weather station just west of the Sanibel causeway and off the north side of the island is still transmitting. 56g76kts Not too bad considering it’s almost in the eye wall.