Good observation...i'm more going with "Blue" especially aft decks...the angled exhaust pipes...sat coms etc.
She is launched and in the water, I think she looks a bit different than yachts mentioned, because her superstructure is more angular as opposed to curved and round shapes. Also notice the superstructure doesn't go the whole length in aluminum almost giving off Polar Star Vibes. Another tremendous launch from Lurssen...
You are 100% right. Definitely looks different but imo still looks similar to the ones mentioned above. I'm happy to see yet again Lurssen launching another monster!
I would not be surprised if her main mast can swing forward and lowers as well as the uptakes perhaps lower by maybe dropping laterally as I am seeing what appears to be large hinges. Could be wrong though.
Next phase of work starts with all the scaffolding and tenting that will have to be erected for the details of finishing.
I'm gonna post an [probably] unpopular opinion - I don't like it. The thing is a big flat block of white. And then there are those hull windows, which are in 12345 different shapes and forms. No. Just No. To point out at what I'm talking about - look at the profile of Dilbar. Decks are dark, therefore contrasting with hull. There are just 3 shapes of windows on the hull - round portholes, those massive trapezoid ones and rectangular ones on balconies / tender doors. That's it.
Something that has been mentioned before about the outside styles, when your on the inside, it does not matter much.
Well firstly...we do not know what the final colour of the superstructure deck walls are....alot of the time at this stage of launch they are covered up with protective film. The fact we see colour contrast on the mast is probably an indication you may see that colour else where. Just wait until after the second sea trial regime.