When making a passage between west and east Florida where do you cut through the Keys? I’m referring to Miami to Marco Island, in a 4ft draft boat. I’ve looked at Channel 5 bridge on the chart, and a lot of people talk about the Yacht Channel - presume that is the markers leading between Long Key northwest up to Cape Sable and beyond? Most people I talk to however seem to mention cutting through near Marathon, not Channel 5, which would be a longer passage. Obviously it depends on the boat draft and air draft. Would appreciate any first hand experience & wisdom. Thank you!
4’ draft you run the ICW on the bay side and then take the yacht channel. If running hawks channel take channel 5 and then the yacht channel
You can run either the bay side or Hawks channel. I don't cut through channel 5 because it's a bit iffy. I cut through the 7mile bridge in Marathon and take the yacht channel.
I have done under the bridge at Marathon, east a couple of miles then north to bullard bank, out that way. Deeper draft than 4 ft. Never had any problems.
Jst a few years ago, we made a trek from Key West to MIA. Started bay side to Spanish Channel to the south end of seven mile bridge, Then up the bay side of that bridge, under, out a lil and back to Marathon marina. The next day, Hawks channel the rest of the way. We need 5' to operate. In that Spanish Channel, thru the Pine Keys, we were polishing our props well at idle in a couple of spots. I will not do that route again. I do not know what or where Channel 5 or yachts channel is.
Spanish channel by big pine is indeed shallow. channel 5 bridge is between islanorada and king key. It’s pretty deep except for a bit of shoaling by one of the marker on the ocean side catching people who cut too close yacht channel is a route from the north side of Long Key to cape sable. It saves about 20nm vs going around marathon. About 5 1/2’ MLW. Has a couple of dogleg but well marked.
Yep, long (Many Mooooons) time ago on a run about, I was all over the keys. The Slate's were young and married. Everybody called the same thing by many different names. Don't think I ever looked into a guide book,,, even yet. Don't think I'm missing anything.
Is the ICW, heading south from Miami, a reliable depth of >5-6 feet down as far south as Long Key? Long Key being start of the yacht channel heading north west to Marco Island.
5’ is fine, no problem. 5 1/2 is ok. 6’ I wouldn’t. But 4’ with pods will be no problem at all. the shallowest spot are at the entrance to Duenberry creek off Key Largo at about 5 1/2’ MLW and the stretch approaching Tavernier. With shaft boats the squatting at hull speed can be a little tight in winter it can get brighter with strong N wind which lower the water level on the bay side
I've done the trip a few times on a 54' Viking. Easiest was the time we did it over a weekend and went to Key West, stayed the night, then made the trip up to WPB. Other times went under the bridge in Marathon. Stressful initially. Biggest thing is either being up on plane or down. No in between. Crab traps everywhere as well.
I think you mean bug or lobster trap floats. I did not mind clearing a couple of the bug traps from my props.... Only a couple..
Did that trip in April with 4' draft and Pascal is correct. One additional warning...give very wide berth to Sprigger Bank Light 5....very heavy shoaling, stay 500 yards+ to NE of it and you will be ok.
For several years we kept our previous boat between Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Made the trip down into the keys every few weeks. I have gone as far inside as Angel fish creek (I think that's the name of it), cuts from the inside to the outside by Ocean Reef. Reached the conclusion, why worry about the water inside, just run Hawks Channel. Only downside is when the traps are out. Certain times of the year have to watch out for the east wind coming back to Miami, but other than that I lost interest with inside exploration.
Got it thanks Pascal. There is also that sketchy looking dogleg 4.3 statute miles SE of Sprigger bank.
I haven’t used the yacht channel in a few years but that dogleg isn’t bad as long as you split the markers evenly and slow down so the bit doesn’t squat I know that some people have gotten in trouble over the years there by leaving the green to stbd and the red to port when Northbound
Good intel. It looks obvious on the chart, I’m concerned about shifting sea bed and all that. Plus, if I’m driving pods with fwd facing props it’s a different predicament to that if I had a keel or outboards.