Thanks for asking, Tom - Fortunately, I am very busy with several Yacht Escort Ship projects and, unfortunately, will not be attending. One of my clients will be there to select toys for his custom YES, but I asked to be excused in order to address what is appearing to be successful marketing campaign. The news is: I have you to thank for one client who read your YES article in the Triton and contacted me based on your very generous coverage. Please thank Lucy for me as well. Have a great show and I really look forward to seeing the mug shots of our fellow YF members. All the best!
Stan, Sorry to see that we will miss each other, but you have a great reason for it. Glad things are working out. I'll let Lucy know. Maybe we'll catch up in Miami. Capt Tom
To our members attending FLIBS... I've received a couple of e-mails regarding Tom's post above. Tom, I appreciate the offer for coverage in the Triton, but respectfully, I'd like to ask you to put your camera away. The same goes for everyone in attendance. Please be respectful of other people's privacy and security. Let's keep it informal. Basically, a few YF members are meeting Thursday, around 4:00 PM at the booze barge just north of the Hall of Fame docks. So... if you pull out a camera, you'll be escorted down the Hall of Shame docks... and wetness will follow. Carl Camper, Publisher
Carl - I was just kidding about the MUG SHOTS! In any event, enjoy the comradery in anonymity or on parole, as the case may be.
Carl and members, No problem on putting the camera away. Privacy of members will never be compromised. Just had the idea of putting faces to names, but understand the concern and respect the wishes of those who commented. Now, with cameras away, let's party! Carl, are you good fro Friday also? Same place, same time? Capt Tom
On Friday... lots of people are heading out for Halloween parties or the Breman Brothers Beach Bash. This might be cutting it close for people who have other commitments immediately following the show. If enough people agree on Friday, then we'll add this day too. Otherwise, let's ALL shoot for Thursday.
Sorry chaps, would love to be able to join you all on this one, but business has me at ends with paper work. Have a cold one for me!
I will be working most of the show but might be able to get to the bar Friday afternoon. I will have on an exhibitors badge on with my name on it. Friday AM and all day Sat and Sun I will at our displays. So as not to bend the promoting business rule here, I will just say Super Yacht Builders and Designers Tent booth 619 and 620 on Thursday morning, the rest of the time Las Olas City Marina 'A" dock slips 8 and 9. Come say Hi! Tucker Fallon
Tucker, I'll be around wearing a The Triton shirt so let's try to hook up at 4:00 on Friday if not earlier. Any feedback from those that attended today? Pictures would be nice too. Capt Tom
Yeah, let the rest of us in on how it all went. Keep in mind that there shouldn't be any posting of pics unless everyone in the photograph is cool with it.
Forum members were either very incognito or next time I need a lat-lon to find anyone. I bumped into Loren on my way to the northernmost coctail barge near Las Olas and we teamed up for a grand arrival around 3:45. Didn't see any shady looking characters so we made another circumnavigation around the barge looking for a YF shirt, cap, some kinda hint for the dynamic duo anxiously looking for keyboard mates. After perusing the charts of the FLIBS Directory, we decided to make COG and head to the North coctail barge near the designer tent. After surveying the lay of the land a few times, we finally abandoned ship. We had a nice time walking the bars while talking boats but maybe some more precise arrangements as to time and place would be helpful. I won't be able to attend Friday's internet connect, but hope the rest of you folks have fun. Judy
Well, I am still planning on being there Friday afternoon. Hopefully I won't be the only one! Anyone going to try and make it? Carl?
Billy, Haven't heard from Carl (and we may not until after the show) but I'll be at the north cocktail barge, by the swimming hall of fame at 4:00 PM. Dark blue shirt with "The Triton" on the front, should be carrying a black bag (I'll hold a copy of our latest issue for you). Anyone else? IM me for my cell phone (don't need the entire world to know it). Capt Tom
About 8 of us showed up and found each other. Funny thing about an online Forum- nobody knows what each-other looks like. I told Carl he should have had a flag or a balloon on his table. Then we got the idea to send an announcement over the PA- Carl paid the "band" $20 to make a Yachtforums broadcast. The guy said it a few times and pointed to us, but nobody else showed up. Anyhow- stop by the Curt C at the Las Olas docks. If I'm not around ask the crew and they'll find me. Have a good show. Ken
Sorry we missed Judy & Loren on Thursday. I'll make it up to you guys after the show. Maybe lunch on Las Olas? A few more people showed up today (Friday). Nice to put away the keyboards, put faces to names and observe wacky waitresses on recreational drugs! Yep, it's gettin' scary out there. Let's see, we have the... Miami Misfits Ft. Laud Freaks Boca B-i-tches Delray Ditzes Palm Beach Prisses ... and the girls from Jupiter that Mars can't relate to! No wonder I'm still single!
Well, me and Yachtbrokerguy (Tucker) had a YF get-together at the north barge today. Billy sorry we didn't connect but I got your message at 4:05 and the message was garbled, especially the phone number. Met Judy at her brokerage sailboat in the morning; very nice chatting with her. Saw Capt Ken for a fleating moment as he was on the way back to Curt-C for some biz. Next gathering, we need to clarify which barge (there are two north barges, one north, the other further north) and some identifying banner amongst the sea of boozers. See ya all on Saurday. Capt Tom
Maybe between now and next year Carl will have some nice apparel made up and everyone attending can order something from the store so we all know what to look for. caps, polos, shirts, lanyards... etc.
Well, I got to meet Capt. Tom at the right barge on Friday, since he writes for Triton I suggested I arrange for our company plane to take him to our Grand Bahama yard for a story about the new shipyard being developed there. Look in future editions to find out if his editor thinks he should do it. I have known Judy and Loren for years so I will see them at some dock some where in the next few months. I met Ken and he gave myself and another broker a complete tour of the beautiful CURT C. Most impressive to me (but not to a buyer) was the engineers station with the glass wall, to watch the engine room while underway, in air conditioned and sound muffled conditions. The whole yacht was splendid and my compliments to the entire crew. Ken was pretty busy but he took the time to show everything. It would have been nice to meet some more Forum people, I know that I will meet more in the future. Boot Dusseldorf any one? Tucker Fallon Yacht Broker