Here in Lauderdale getting the boat back together after paint and preparing for transport. Wondering if those with experience have any tips on prep. I have done this one and have a good grasp on process but always looking to learn. First example would be I am up in the air on installing existing enclosure or not. I have a new console cover and had new bottom track installed today. I kept the old 3 sided clears but plan to dumpster them once home and am now considering not installing at all. Curious what others think would be best plan of action. The trip from Everglades to Victoria will be a roughly 21 day trip. I bought a time lapse camera and had my dad fab a mount for the hardtop so that could be kinda cool and look forward to seeing how that works. Just need to verify math on if 4 min will be correct for battery and mini sd storage. Still a ton to do getting the boat rigged for the trip as I took a lot of stuff apart to prep for paint and am replacing a lot of hardware. I did though want to get this thread going to get some good ideas into my thought process before too late. Load date is the 18th. This time of year 3 weeks dead ship concerns me a bit regarding the interior. Look forward to some pro tips. Thanks guys.
Leave the enclosure up, it will keep driven spray and rain from pelting things on the flybridge. Rain-x all glass. Insulator wax all aluminum (coat, dry, then wipe off). Polish stainless with collinite metal wax as directed, then put a coat of collinite insulator wax on that, let dry, and wipe off. Make sure everything is stowed really well inside. Have large fenders for the loading, cause if you're rolling alongside the ship, outrigger spreaders have a habit of hitting the side of the ship.
Be flexible with load and unload dates. When I shipped the actual load and unload day kept moving a bit. I also shipped to Victoria.
As an aside, I just used Cross Chartering Yacht Transport to ship a Nordhavn 40 from Spain to FLL. The sales rep Paul was very communicative and helpful and the boat arrived a few days ago with no glitches. I give a full thumbs up on this transport experience.
I had KB Yachts shrink wrap a 54" Ocean Yacht going from Ft. Lauderdale to Nanaimo BC and had a perfectly clean boat exterior wise upon arrival. KB had a clear panel in front of the helm to allow the capt. to see out and a seamed access door in the wrap @ the transom for egress etc. The biggest issue was the transport ship's crew checking the interior with dirty shoes on the carpet runners. We had two dehumidifiers running and draining into the shower sumps on the trip to keep the interior fresh.
Neve heard of that before. Whenever I've shipped the rule was, "If you want electricity you have to have riding crew member" no crew = no electricity. We always wanted power so we hired a rider for the trip. Regular crew got time off.
I was referencing the shrink wrap enclosure to protect the vessel from the elements and understand your comment about power aboard however this 54 Ocean Yacht was being shipped for a fantastic lady who's also the president of one of the larger family-owned South Korean shipping lines and has property in Vancouver BC
Yes working with Paul and he has been great. Cross Charter is moving a lot of boats this past 18 months.
I really liked idea of shrunk wrap but with new paint job I was advised not to do so. Also worried about trapping moisture. There is a nice Hatteras at 15th St with full wrap right bow that must be getting shipped soon.
After loading and unloading somewhere in the neighborhood of 900 yachts. Few of them are shrink wrapped, less than 10%. Less than 10% of the yachts I've loaded or unloaded are dirty. Half of them do have some salt residue on them. This time of year less so than winter time when it's generally rougher. I wouldn't shrink wrap new paint either, as it will still be a little softer. Protect metals and windows from salt exposure and call it a day.
Yes. I forgot that you were recently painted. You certainly don't want anything up against the paint while the solvents are still evaporating. Seems as though J's way of Collinite on exposed alloys and metals is the way to go.
I was installing some hand rails today and had a reminder of how soft paint is. Looks great but goodness please harden up. Appreciate the dialog as I grind away long days rigging with time running short.
Make sure you have a plan for the batteries. When my boat got to Ensenada from Lauderdale my house batteries were dead, dead, dead. They shut off all the breakers but didn't shut the battery switches off. Can't recall what drained them but was a PITA not having house batteries when I was supposed to take the boat straight from Ensenada to San Diego immediately after delivery. Had to spend the night in Ensenada. That said, I'm not sure if the shippers insist on keeping bilge pumps on, but if they do they should supply power.
Put the temporary enclosure up today that should help on the bridge assuming we load bow fwd. Have new console cover being made that will go on tomorrow. Probably leave new helm chairs in the salon for the trip. .