Absolutely. And a great place to sell them. Plus if you can’t quite decide you have Miami in Feb and Palm Beach a month later.
It depends on the brokerage market. When there were tons of boats for sale the big brokerage companies would lease up a block of slips at the shows and fill them with their customers listings. Now that boats are selling faster than they can be listed the number and quality of brokerage boats at shows are way down.
It depends. Due to the fees it's generally not worthwhile to put boats in the show in that size unless they're over $750k.
Thanks all. Based on what I am hearing from you all and seeing on yachtworld regarding inventory I think I am going to pass on FLIBS. Not much of a crowd guy and would rather spend that time doing something different. There really is not a lot of inventory out there for boats that interest me, right now. I will sit tight and see what develops.
Excellent call. The only thing worse than visiting FLIBS is being there as an exhibitor. I've got the T-shirt!