So I have a Bertram 46.6 sport fisher with a bridge with isinglass on 3 sides. So my question is this. Hurricane force winds are imminent, what do you do with the isinglass? Keep it rolled down, roll it up or remove the panels? I can't see keeping the panels closed, not if I expected them to be in one piece after the storm. Thoughts?
In the past when I was taking down panels I have stopped at Walmart and bought some cheap twin bedsheets. 4-5$ a piece and used those to protect the panels. Course they are probably are double the price now.
Thanks Capt J. That's good gouge. By next spring it will be a live aboard so space becomes an issue. How about laying each panel on a soft sheet or blanket, covering it with another and rolling it up?
Good info. So from your location it looks like you move along the gulf coast. I'm in coastal MS, Waveland to be exact. Do you ever stop in Biloxi, Gulfport or Bay St. Louis?
Clothes hangers, the ones with 2 clips. Use these to clip one end of the curtain and hang in the shower or use a telescoping shower rod and hang them in a cabin.
Prior to Covid we went up to the Chesapeake during the summer. Since 2020 (or whenever all that started) we have stayed along the west coast hitting favorite spots. We have never gone to the northern Gulf area, maybe one of these days.
There is NO nice boating anywhere west of Florida in the's all commercial, ugly water, no real marinas.
I haven't been there since Katrina but I understand there are several new marinas between Biloxi and Pass Christian, but unless you like the casinos there's not much there. New Orleans is open for business but it hasn't changed in 40 years.
I've done Florida to Corpus Christie several times using the ICW the entire way. I can assure you, there will be nothing to interest you!