Does anyone have any input on a yard that can paint a 1993 66 ocean? The boat is located in the Tampa Florida area but we can travel a little distance for the right yard that can do a quality job and have the price in line for a older boat. I know about being the guy that wants awesome work at a reasonable price lol but this forum appears to be loaded with good members that have experience. Anyone have any idea on what that should be to paint the hull and the super structure? Thanks in advance!
I would highly recommend St. Augustine Marine center, but that is on the east coast, not sure if that is out of your reach. They do incredible paint work, I have done 3 boats with them.
Owl Creek just east of Ft. Myers on the Caloosahatchee has done nice work (not painting) for me in the past. They specialize in painting. If it is still owned and managed by Butch I would give them a call. I had my boat recently painted in Stuart at River Forest Yachting Center. They subbed it out to Angel ? And he did a very nice job. Then there is A&J in Manatee Pocket (Stuart) and they have been very good to work with and they sub painting to Nguyen Painting. I am not sure A&J can haul a 66 footer. There does not seem to be as many good yards on the West Coast of Florida as there is on the east. Good luck.
To paint your vessel in a single color in a scratch and shoot scenario from the boot stripe up would be in the $50,000 to $75,000 range depending on who does it and if you have a tower or cabin trunk mask etc. Removal all of the hardware, cabinet doors, gaskets, seating hatches, side vents etc. would be inclusive in this job. If any repair work i.e., filling priming fairing were needed the price would be adjusted to reflect that labor.