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Inherited 2005 46' Sunseeker Portofino - Help wanted in KY

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Judy Ingall, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. Judy Ingall

    Judy Ingall New Member

    Jun 29, 2022
    Tucson, AZ
    Hello All,
    I am new to YF but knew that my husband was on here at times for answers to questions. Used to be part of when we had go fast boats. My dear hubby passed away in May and I am left with our 2005 46' Sunseeker....his dream boat. I also love it and can't bring myself to part with it yet. Moorage is paid for the year and the boat is paid for, so what is a gal to do? We are on an inland lake so navigation is simple. Unfortunately, my husband was my "engine guy" and I didn't pay attention. Here's the thing, the Sunseeker was relatively new to both of us. We have had it about 2 years but extenuating circumstances kept us from using it much. I could use some help understanding the "electronics panel" on the interior of the boat. Anybody good at explaining 24v vs 12v , domestic vs console , line A vs Line B? I have genset onboard, obviously, but I just don't want to blow something up by having something turned on when I shouldn't. One other quick question....anyone know for sure that this boat "exhausts" its water under the boat rather than over the side like many other diesel engines (ie: SeaRay) Freaked the men on the dock out because water wasn't coming from the exhaust but I had in the back of my mind that it hadn't in the past either. Sea strainers are bubbling and the cool water intake was cold. Engines didn't overheat after idling in from our cove for about 30 minutes. Details: 2005 46 Sunseeker Portofino with twin Volvo TAMD75EDC High Performance engines.

    Thanks in advance for the help. I am sure I will be here often for advice.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    May I suggest locating a captain, ships manager, or proper service rep to answer your first questions.
    A captain or an insurable manager to help operate the boat also.
    I do not have a clue if any of this type of folk are available in your area.

    A owner's manual may help on some questions.

    Sorry for your loss and challenges.
  3. Judy Ingall

    Judy Ingall New Member

    Jun 29, 2022
    Tucson, AZ
    Unfortunately, the boat is located in Monticello, Kentucky, USA....not the best place to find a captain, ship manager or any proper service rep. Considering calling the rep that sold the boat to my husband or checking in with the Sunseeker dealer in California since I am in Tucson, AZ.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    There are several major marinas with knowledgeable personnel on the lake the boat is located on. I'd make contact with some of them and start building some relationships.
  5. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Hi Judy --

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband and sooo proud of you for taking the helm and learning your boat. Better that your Sunseeker's inland lake is in Monticello rather than Roosevelt Lake! I don't have a contact in KY that can help you, but I would be glad to help otherwise. May I suggest you start a new thread with a Subject Title something like: Marine Help Needed in KY. I bet there are some boaters on YF that have some buddies or professionals they can recommend. Worth a shot.

    Wishing you all the best!

    (Another) Judy from Tucson
    Yes, I'm Judy also and I lived in Tucson in the 70s and 80s :)
  6. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    Post a picture of your electric panels and maybe we could get you started. Sounds like you are not thinking about giving up on using the Sunseeker. I hope not as you can learn all of this stuff. Just try not to get frustrated with the inevitable mistakes. Sorry about loosing you husband. Hang in there.
    JWY likes this.
  7. SkipJay

    SkipJay New Member

    May 21, 2019
    I have recently looked at a Portofino 46 and can tell you the exhaust is fully under the water and faces down and aft under the Sunseeker logo. See picture. Very nice running and quiet boat. As mentioned above I would hire someone for a few hours to walk you through the systems on the boat.

  8. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Good call Judy. I've renamed this thread to better reflect the topic at hand.
  9. Fiammetta42

    Fiammetta42 Member

    Sep 28, 2017
    Liguria Italy ( boat )
    There should be a owners manual somewhere.Failing that email Sunseeker they will send you one .Explains how the boat works + what all the switches are for .