Bear in mind that this is coming from someone who will never be in a financial position to own a Rybovich. I always thought that the most balanced sportfishing boat proportions were with the boats from the mid-30-foot range on the low side to mid-40-foot range. Greater LOA than that, and the cockpit length looked a little too stunted, albeit adequate for the purpose. Here is a Rybovich I took a photo of in the Fall of 1981. I am guessing she is in the higher 40s in length but has for her LOA a lengthier cockpit than normal and looked good for it. The woman aboard who I spoke with about the boat had the right looks and proportions, too. (Sorry, no photo.)
No Photo???? Ran out of film? Dropped the lens in the water? Wife was with you? Yes, Pretty boat. Built for fishing and pioneering of the sport. Have to take your word for the woman of the boat.