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U.S. now targets Brokerages catering to Russian oligarchy

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by captholli, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    It's reported that the Monaco based brokerage and yacht management firm Imperial Yachts is squarely in the crosshairs of the U.S. treasury. I've been waiting for this "other shoe" to drop and was curious to why it took so long and also figure that at least two Ft Lauderdale yacht / ship brokerages wont escape scrutiny in the near future.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    So, They sold some ruskie a boat.
    I must be missing something.
  3. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    Well Ralph, You are.
    Imperial is Russian owned and sold multiple Russian builds and oversaw the builds with full knowledge of who's who ownership wise. Intimately involved in the setting up of shell companies to disguise the vessels ownership. Handles the full management of the vessels and money transfers for the build, yearly / monthly expenses etc. Vets and places crew aboard demanding complete secrecy and has direct knowledge of the Ghost crew consisting of SBP aboard Scheherazade etc. Multifaceted and deep.
    Dillon1018 likes this.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    My Trot-Line telegraph has been acting up. I missed that prospectus.
    Got it now.
  5. MCMF

    MCMF New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    South of France
    Captholli is absolutely right. A Russian owned yacht agency specifically designed to hide and disguise the real owners. And they named it "Imperial" to just show everybody their intentions in advance......
    bayoubud likes this.
  6. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Good intel, operating openly in Ft. Lauderdale.... imagine that.
  7. FlyingGolfer

    FlyingGolfer Member

    Dec 25, 2017
    Should businesses which dealt with Russian oligarchs before the Ukrainian invasion be punished now? Not sure that is fair.
  8. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    The Oligarch owned agency should be. However, the other agencies are being looked at over their current dealings. As soon as the first sanction was announced, I got emails from brokers wanting to make me a deal. I replied that I wasn't interested, advised them they were playing with fire. They insisted it was all legit and I told them it didn't matter, if they touched it, they'd be sorry. They knew what they were doing, not so naive, just looking for a quick buck.
    FlyingGolfer and bayoubud like this.
  9. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    It was telling just how quickly two of the major players in Ft. Lauderdale's "Yacht & Ship brokerage sanitized their websites of any Moscow office address's or contact info. Others around the globe followed suit but just not as rapidly .;)
  10. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    There are two key business elements that apply. First, the most obvious, to not engage in any impropriety. Second, one must conduct themselves in such a way as to remove any appearance of possible impropriety.
    Rerm and d_meister like this.
  11. Rerm

    Rerm New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    Shouldn’t this apply to the shipyards as well….Lurssen, Oceanco, Feadship…and on and on…

    Marinas, fuel suppliers, provisions suppliers, service companies….where does it end…I mean EVERYONE has known these Eastern block billionaires got their money in less than legitimate ways…..EVERYONE took their money and looked the other way, and now, the law has SUDDENLY been found!!!!! And we all see the light!!!!!

    The hypocrisy is a bit much, no???

    And also, what’s the statute of limitations?!??…. I mean we can all look at our own billionaire class….what about the Mexican billionaire s……hell a prominent ex president of Mexico has quite the boat!!! (And quite the reputation!!!)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2022
  12. FlyingGolfer

    FlyingGolfer Member

    Dec 25, 2017
    As long as they are not being punished for pre invasion business dealings. I have dealt with extreme high net worth people from Russia, and I didn’t know these oligarchs were too dirty to deal with.
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Punishment is based on post sanction dealings. However, I must admit to looking differently at one builder than I did before based on their involvement with certain Russian oligarchs, not as customers but as owners. I don't expect anyone to know the nature or source of the wealth of all their customers. Over the years, I've had very few potential customers I refused to deal with, and it was generally based on how they did business and, in one major case, based on their general lack of integrity and trustworthiness. It wasn't based on how they made their money as I didn't know that.

    However, when it comes to co-owners and investors in one's business, pleading innocence is much harder for me to accept. I don't find myself able to sweep that all under the rug now that when it comes to light, they sell and you reorganize. You knew and now you've just been caught. Also, the equity may have been converted to debt so still sizable funds going to them. One company I know of tried to hide it and didn't answer ownership questions with full disclosure.
    Rerm and FlyingGolfer like this.
  14. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    The oligarchs are not being punished for the way they obtained their wealth, although I find it easy not to feel sorry for them because of the way they obtained their wealth. They are having assets seized if they have been found to have broken laws connected with sanctions following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, like money laundering. The oligarchs don't want to give up their life style, so they try to get around sanctions.

    The oligarchs are tight with Putin, which is why they are subject to sanctions. I haven't heard of our billionaires or Mexican billionaires being buddies with Putin. I see no hypocrisy.
  15. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    We're talking about a select few brokerage houses around the world that catered to the oligarchs exclusively by negotiating the build contracts, facilitated monetary stage payments for the builds, provided onsite build teams and oversite of the builds, facilitated the set up shell companies through in house counsel to disguise actual ownership of these builds and were awarded full management contracts for the builds once commissioned, With full management contracts in hand these brokerages received monthly or quarterly operational monies from the principals for operation of the vessels. These brokerages / managers vetted and crewed the builds whilst handling all of the yearly, monthly financials for the vessels and were intimately involved with the daily operation of the vessels right down to the flag state inspections and classification societies needs through their in- house technical superintendents and DPA's. It seems that not all oligarchs are cut from the same cloth dirty money wise and society in general has been doing business with the oligarchs pre Ukraine invasion and certainly these businesses cant be held liable for doing so as the average shore side support vendor has no idea to who owns most of these vessels and it didn't seem to be an issue until a sovereign nation was invaded and innocent men, woman and children were being slaughtered. The intent of these sanctions were to have a direct pressure effect on Putin via his high net worth cronies being stripped of their wealth and luxury holdings i.e. , yachts, villas, aircraft.
    These few select brokerage houses had full knowledge of exactly who they were doing business with and gladly accepted the commissions and fees for years and their actions after the sanctions took affect were swift and telling.
    This dealing with dirty money certainly isn't anything new nor unique for yachting with the exception of the oligarch sanctions as yacht builders and brokerage houses through the years have been doing business with some of the world's worst dictators and killers. Broward Marine built a yacht in the early 80's for the blood thirsty Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier, Feadship built for Muammar Gaddafi to name a couple of examples that comes to mind so there's a history.
    MCMF and Rerm like this.
  16. MCMF

    MCMF New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    South of France
    Totally agree captholli! And as said before, having the idea of naming your company "Imperial" is just showing to everybody that you don't care at all......
  17. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Very few boat builders are owned by one individual with full power. Rather they have shareholders or partners looking for profits. As such, they aren't likely to be selective on customers. Also, they aren't in position to judge. Do you build for a Russian oil or banking owner or what about the royal family of Saudi Arabia? What about the Chinese Entrepreneur or do you like Musk or Zuckerberg? What do you know about the character of any customer? How far do you go in the normal course of business? I have refused to sell to one very famous company and man in the U.S. However, we sell to mom and pop stores and some of those may be run by disgusting individuals guilty of all sorts of things but with good financial statements. I watch performers or sports stars not knowing what kind of people they really are. John Sterling was booted from NBA ownership, but the true nature of the man was known for decades before. As owners, my wife and I can decide. However, most business people don't have that sole authority. Even if one does, do they really have the information.

    A simple example in the US is Lukoil. A major supplier in the NE. Russian owned. Before, did anyone think about their home deliveries or stopping at one of their stations? Plenty of people got yachts filled by them.

    I wouldn't have built for Gaddafi or Duvalier but might have for even worse persons. However, if I'm running a company owned by others, do I really have the authority to select customers based on their morality?

    Once sanctions are issued, the decisions should be easy, although there were brokerages trying to turn profits.

    Let's reverse things a moment. Would you purchase a boat from a builder with questionable owners? Heesen became a quick "no" but are they now a "yes?" Not to me.

    Sunseeker is owned by the Wanda Group. What do I know about Wang Jianlin, the founder. At 15, in the Chinese Army where he served for 17 years. Ferretti is owned by the Weichai Group. It's a state owned holding company. However, the companies are trustworthy builders. Sunseeker and Ferretti employ a lot of people who I'd hate to see out of work. The current owners saved them from that. I never would have dealt with Northern or Trinity (latter years) as I knew enough to distrust them.

    We own retail stores and sell to whomever comes in and I'm sure some awful people. I'm sure we sell lumber and hardware to builders who cheat customers and others who beat their wives and some even abuse their kids but we don't know our customer like that.

    Holli says "not all oligarchs are cut from the same cloth". I think of descendants of Mafia in the US who have chosen to get out of that type life. Do we know if they are really different? Do we trust them? How many generations before we do? What about descendants of Fascists regimes who likely inherited ill gotten wealth?

    Every Russian to face sanctions has pled their innocence. Ultimately, we have to trust our governments to know which are honest businessmen and which merit sanctioning. I think of all the other Russians. Many in Russia oppose what is going on and most living elsewhere do. I hope if you know any Russians in your community you're being kind to them. Muslims and Chinese have already been through a lot of mistreatment. I saw an attendant attacked at a Lukoil station. Surely, not an oligarch.
    wwch, Riknpat, Rerm and 2 others like this.
  18. classic

    classic Member

    Oct 27, 2019
    ft lauderdale
    The world is smaller and under a microscope now but nothing new from 40 plus years ago .
    Greed isnt good it always leads to the darkside. :( just wait real estate is next and the commerical buldings and the new apartments poping up all over who really is behnd them look deeper and you would be amazed .:eek:

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  19. Rerm

    Rerm New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
    "Ultimately, we have to trust our governments to know which are honest businessmen and which merit sanctioning. I think of all the other Russians. "

    Famous last words!!!!

    I agree with the rest of your post though. In any case, we'll soon find out how far these goverments want to flex their power.
  20. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    So far "these governments" that you are complaining about are behaving rather timidly compared to Russia. Would you rather be a Ukrainian or a Russian oligarch?