The good news is that customs and immigration are now available are at Norman’s Cay in the northern Exumas. The bad news is that the marina charges $998 plus VAT to use the service… not a typo, that’s two bucks shy of a grand. Plus VAT And that is charged even if you are paying for dockage at the rate of $7 a foot!
Obviously they are pricing to a certain clientele. More and more of these marina's are only catering to the mega- yacht/wealthy customers. Although I am sure they are having to pay for this service and are trying to recoup some of their costs.
I think this pretty much nails it. The Bahamas is so Nassau-centric when it comes to budgets and staffing that these out-islands are left to their own devices, yet they still have to pay their piper. This is what it costs for them to do business, and if you enjoy the flexibility, you pay your piper in the process. The customs process in the Bahamas is an important revenue generator that also guards against incoming "freight" for which they want their piece of the value as well. They could easily shift to electronic clearing like we have, but they'd lose some significant income in doing so. All of that aside, we don't want these islands to go the way of Bimini.
The $998 isn’t charged by customs but by the marina Just like cat cay charges $500 to clear customs there which we still do sometimes. They already have shifted to electronic clearing with Click2Clear as they want to eliminate cash payments. I read yesterday that Click2Clear is becoming mandatory for planes as well with $5000 for non compliance
I don’t have the answer but I wonder if catering to the mega yacht crowd will remain good business once the pandemic completely passes. Earlier in the pandemic some posited that a lot of the mega yachts were cruising the Bahamas as the med and Caribbean were basically closed. Once again don’t know if that is/was the case or not. I am in Nassau now getting ready to head to the Exumas. I was at Chubb for a couple of days and there were a lot of 80+ boats there but it does seem the overwhelming majority of boats with cabins are between 40-70 feet. Then you have the center consoles and they rent cottages where they go. Not knowing the numbers of what mega yachts pay but if they don’t pay significantly more per lineal foot than smaller boats then I don’t see it being profitable.
May thru July in the Exumas is when a lot of people from SoFl go to the Exumas with smaller boats (under 70/80). many big boats head north or to the med in May so fewer of them are in the bahamas although with the higher shipping costs travel issues I wonder if as many are headed to the med as in the past
They pay significantly more per lineal foot but not per square foot. I hear complaints about $7 vs. $5 and I don't think the owners are even thinking of the fact that in fairness it likely should be even more. What I lack a good feel for is how they spend on other things such as restaurants and shops.
Some marinas charge a little more per foot for bigger boats. The trend is for boats to get bigger and bigger and some marinas are being built or rebuilt to keep up with the times. Hurricane Cove on the back side of Atlantis in Nassau has just reopened after two years being rebuilt and they have eliminated all the smaller slips that were along the curved bulkhead. I m guessing that now they re charging $7/8 a foot like Atlantis Newly built normans Cay marina also has mostly big slips, 100’ +, at $7 a foot. Water is $0.50 a gallon and power $0.70 per Kw. It will be a very nice place when fully landscaped and when the restaurant etc are finished. For now it s still pretty much a construction site… From what I see over there, the bigger the boat the more gets spent in shops and restaurants. Whether we have the owners on board or charter guests in place like Staniel, the food/bar/shop tab is usually higher than dockage.
No. Only been there twice, didn’t like it as much as the Exumas. We prefer anchoring out and that s not what HH is about.
Update. We stopped twice at Normans on this trip for guests to fly in and out the marina is coming along nicely. The clubhouse and restaurant is almost finished and there is now a small convenience store with basics incl fresh food the staff is very helpful, shore power is excellent incl 480 which is pretty rare in the Bahamas. I didn’t ask if the fuel dock was open but it seemed to be The docks are very nice, fixed wood, wide and clean but the pilings do not extend above the dock level. Setting fenders at the right height is a must. still $7 a foot plus VAT. Power is 0.70 / KWh Plus VAT… A new small airport “terminal” has been opened, very nice and quaint. Well landscaped. Customs and immigration are there. As mentioned earlier they charge $1000 to clear whether planes or boats. Landing fees for aircraft are pretty steep: $160 for piston/ turboprop, $1300 for jets under $20k lbs, and $2900 for large jets… Construction of a series of beach front bungalows is well underway and should open next season Bottom line: expensive but high quality. The pathway stone work alone is a work of art.
Slip prices likely gonna get worse. With Safe Harbor and other big operators getting into the Marina business I am sure there will be some benefits but I think slip rates have upward pressure on them. What might slow that down is a major recession that removes a lot of the covid and less passionate boaters off the waters.
Yeah, $7 a day. It s in line with many marinas on the east coast. I think Miami Beach marina and dinner key is $5 to $6 a foot. Years and years ago I remember similar prices in New England. Atlantis marina in Nassau is about the same. Highborne and compass are also around $5. Power in the Bahamas is always very expensive… last night at Norman’s we used 600 KW!
We use about 70/75 gallons a day for the 45kw gen (we can run the whole boat on one without having to manage loads) so at about $6 a gallons it doesn’t make a big difference. plus it s nice to have them gens off for a short while and these big Ohno are a bit loud anyway.
All these piles of expense. It's good we never land anywhere (after customs) and don't mess with these expenses. This summer, we were looking to head south Bahamas. Not been to Davis Harbor since 2 weeks after Andrew. Any free check-in spots while heading to the lower Eleuthera? Or, We come on the normal route around Abacos.