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Thru Hull Tank Vents Disintegrating

Discussion in 'Luhrs Yacht' started by ScottD, Apr 22, 2022.

  1. ScottD

    ScottD New Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    I have a 2000 360 Convertible, the plastic hull vents for the fuel, water and holding tanks are toast. Trying to figure out how to access them to replace. Anybody done this before?
    Emil Cear likes this.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Plastic or ZyMac?
    I can't imagine a poor vent fitting for a fuel tank. Maybe somebody has already replaced them, On Da Cheap..
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I agree. Quality nylon shouldn’t be crumbling up. Hopefully the builder installed them with access. The right way to do it is behind closets and have an access panel in the back of the closet

    have you looked at what a behind the vents ?
  4. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Zamic or zinc chrome plated Poo-Poo.

    Most likely what they are.
    Had them on my Chris Craft from a previous owner’s renovation.
    Fuel vent extremely pitted and just crumbled when I went to remove them .

    I put in nice chrome plated bronze fuel vent.

    you just have a find a way to get to them I can be done you may have to do a little surgery and cut a small access panel to get to it.
  5. ScottD

    ScottD New Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    They are a name brand, just plastic and twenty years of sun has fried them. I believe I can get to the port vents for the water tank and holding tank by removing the back of the couch in the salon. I may be able to get to the starboard vents for the fuel and starboard water tank by pulling out my icemaker. I just was wondering if anyone invented this wheel before and had some advice.
  6. KevinMC

    KevinMC New Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Kent Island, Md
    ScottD, your Luhrs is a lot newer than mine, so I’m not sure if we are talking about the same vents. Mine too were plastic and I ended up replacing several times before finding the version with the stainless steel cover, which provided the sun protection, and I haven’t needed to replace them again.

    If it is the same vent made by Attwood Model 66419-3, (google it)just make sure you are getting the stainless one, not plastic. I tried to find just the replacement head, but only could find the entire vent for sale, so I just took the stainless head out of the new vents and never used the vent body.

    I too had to to cut an access panel from the salon behind the couch area, both port and stbd to gain access to the back of the vent, which had disconnected from the hull and was spinning when attempting to screw in the new vent head.

    Hope this helps
  7. ScottD

    ScottD New Member

    Apr 6, 2021
    Hello Kevin,
    Yes those are the vents I have. I did get away with just replacing the heads but now the whole vent has just broken off. Hard to believe they would use anything but stainless on these things given the limited access to replace them. What year is your boat? I just need to figure out how to remove the back of the couch...
  8. KevinMC

    KevinMC New Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Kent Island, Md
    Mine is a 1994 with two facing couches in the salon. There is a Heavy wood back-piece on the port couch that once removed gives access to the inner wall.

    The trick then is is to lineup/locate the area where the vent is located before cutting. I used those circular screw in 6” or 8” access hatches to gain access to the back of the vents and to maintain the seal when in place.

    The back-piece of the couch has screws (3 on top - 4 on bottom)- which are hidden under caps. Once removed that entire couch back-piece should be able to be removed. My starboard side is much easier as that couch is not attached to wall.

    Hope this gives you some ideas.