Hey folks, are there any surveyor's near Myrtle Beach that anyone would like to recommend? Preferably ones with experience/knowledge with 60ft-70ft vessels? Thanks, Adrian
Welcome to Yacht Forums Help us out a little and we can help you better. Survey what? Wood, Glass, Steel, Alloy, power, snail? Some surveyors are near specialist on certain brands also. You will need a mechanical surveyor also; Powered by what? If there is a web sales ad, let us know. The collective knowledge here on YF, somebody may know the design if not the boat.
I'm getting the 1997 Viking 72 surveyed: https://atlanticyachtandship.com/used-yachts-for-sale/1997-viking-72-sport-fish-take-time/2781023/
Ah, The Viking with the Duetz engines. Thought I saw that boat before. You may want to do lots of searches thru this and some other web sites about these engines and this boat.
Yes, saw that already. The rot? Fixed. Seized engine? That's nonsense, they look and run great. I'd rather get a surveyor's opinion. I hope this is not the collective knowledge you're referencing.
Rob Eberle out of New Bern, NC did a survey years ago in Myrtle Beach for me. He is/was very thorough and competent.
Thanks gentlemen. I'll be using Brad Burns/Marine Services LLC for the survey and possibly summon the Deutz service center in SC for mechanical if needed. Next on the list is finding a Captain to help bring the 72 Viking down to Boston/Rhode Island after the survey around the 11th of April. Thanks, Adrian
What do you mean "possibly summon....if needed." Why wouldn't you schedule a mechanical survey as well?
I have enough mechanical experience to know if I'll need additional specialized help or not. I am planning on seeing if a Deutz tech will be available during the sea trial.
Contact Bill Gladding https://gladdingmarinesurvey.com/ Duetz https://www.deutzsupport.com/locations/southeast/ https://www.coastaldieselservice.net/ https://www.westernbranchdiesel.com/marine/