Thanks for the wonderful pictures! It must be very exciting to be there and see the yacht going through the build process.
what are you all talking about?.....the bathing platform?.....Oh or you mean the white downward projection?...if that well it is part of the hull. The straight piece that tapers off at an angle at the bottom of the hull between the screws..
Thanks for all the nice pictures of the best looking Oceanco Yacht ever! I guess this is a trimrudder, same as you can find on the keel of some sailing boats. Like Yachtluver I was also expecting her to be greyish as on the renderings, but white is always OK as well. What I question is the aft side hatches, must be very close to the water and create some problems?
Yes Lars....all the hatches in the hull seem to be at waterlevel..they must be trying to put the rubbers and hatch technology to the ultimate test.
I dont know how they do it at Oceanco, but often there's a inflatable rubber that airtightens hatches like this
Octopus and pelorus have hatches like those to as far as i know; private swimming platform dont work when they are 30 feet from the waterline; well, would be a one way
Yes sorry! i was refering to the last picture of page 1 of the post. The guys standing next to Captain David.
Where in Rotterdam do I have to go? I am currently here for work, I can't say if I will make it there, but where would I have to look? BR Olli