We are planning our first long range cruise this summer. We have Viking 44 Aft cabin motor yacht with twin 6-71 Detroit Diesels. Our cruise plan is from New York to Miami. Would like your comments or suggestions. Will this be a fairly easy cruise along the coast? What should I plan on for time cruising about 5-6 hours per day? 8-10 kn. Is there an app or website I can use to determine or project the cost of this trip? Thanks for your input!
Start planning with the big picture. How long do you have for the cruise and you've already said it's NY to Miami. Hundreds of places to stop and see, so start selecting what places are tops on your desired list. We normally would cruise only every other or every third day. So, let's say you have 60 days and decide to cruise every second and third day then you have perhaps 25 places you can stop and explore. Narrow it down to 25 along the way. Leave more for next time or the return trip. Make choices in each area. For instance, you might choose between Beaufort, Morehead City and Ocrecoke. Do you choose to only overnight near New Bern to get an extra stop in later? Look at the attractions each stop has to offer. Examine your interests. I am addicted to lighthouses. Perhaps with you it's train museums or could it be Navy. If others with you, select for all interests. For instance, Charleston offers incredible architecture and beautiful gardens. It has great restaurants and antiques and collectibles. It can be an easy cruise if you don't push it on bad weather days, don't travel every day, and don't make days too long. I also know nothing about your experience. There are times you'll do balancing acts. For instance, you may choose to cruise 12 hours to reach a destination where you want to spend the next three entire days. You've perhaps determined you want to average 6 hours every other day, which is 3 hours per day, but if you achieve that by 12 hours covering 4 days or 3 hours only covering one, then fine. Sometimes 3 hours may be perfect. There's the next town you want to see, but arriving at 10:00 or 11:00 AM will give you all the sightseeing time you need on the same day. You know what you need to average but let your desires lead you to how to spread that average. A great link for distances is this: https://nauticalcharts.noaa.gov/publications/docs/distances.pdf No site for cost as it varies by boat and what you do and you need to figure out how to determine that yourself. Are you going to use the nicest marina or anchor? Are you going to eat on board or check out a five star restaurant? Are you going to just walk the area or rent a limo and go to the opera? Are you only going to free tourist sites or visiting the most expensive? Are you going to go at your most economic speed (likely about 6 knots) or a bit faster? You're combining elements of boating and sightseeing, but don't treat this trip like a delivery captain would, which is go as fast as possible and see nothing along the way.
NY to MIA and back? How much time do you have? Can’t make any recommendations because it depends on what you like. Resort type marinas? Rustic? Anchoring out? Bigger cities? Small towns? Do you want to run offshore and just pull in at night or run the ditch. There is no app for that …. You have to calculate the mileage. It’s easy on the ditch since it s all marked. As to speed with a 43 your best speed will be 8 to 81/2 knots. 10kts you ll be burning twice as much
Can't make any recommendations because of the same reasons listed in the 2 previous posts. You could do the trip in 10 days or take a year. I would however, recommend downloading Navionics on your phone or tablet, pay the $49 (I think) subscription and play around with the auto route function and cross reference your daily destinations with the Waterway guide or online searches of the areas. If you set up the Navionics app with your boat's fuel consumption at cruise speed, and put in a realistic average fuel price (think $6ish), it will calculate your fuel costs. That would give you a start with your trip budget. Have fun, enjoy the trip!
The Aquamap app is a great tool for planning. I don’t remember the exact cost but to me it is a bargain. Enjoy your trip.
While not everyone may cruise in this manner, your advice is so welcome. Not my cruising grounds but as one new to cruising this is such a welcome post. Cheers!
A 44 footer should get a little better than 1 NMPG. It is about 1200nm between NY and MIAso figure 2400 USG for the round trip. Don’t need an app for that so 18 months ago, you could have done the trip for $5k in F uel . This summer? who knows.. $15k J ust for fuel… pro B ably. dockage depends on how many stops you make at marinas. I did Miami Nantucket and back with a 70 footer and would usually dock 5 or 6 nights out of 20/25 or so. I enjoy anchoring Here are a few spots worth a stop: Annapolis, oriental, Beaufort, Southport, Charleston, Beaufort, Savanah, Cape Lookout, Hilton Head, St Augustine, St Simons. Many more. mine more thing to consider… summer is not the best time for such a trip because of hurricane season.
Running 8-10 knots at 5-6 hours per day is going to be over 20 days underway. You need to add to that any layover days (if desired) and look at your total days/trip time. For each day underway you may want to consider a desired destination and a secondary destination that’s not quite as far - in case you run into delays. Although you’re not traveling very many miles per day to begin with.
Just off the top of my head, if you're planning to run only 5 to 6 hours per day, knowing that you shouldn't go more than displacement speed....well, likely you shouldn't leave the ICW once past Cape May. Heck, at that speed and limited block of time, you'll need a couple of days just to get to Cape May from NY.