I thought it was weird to see just a couple of fins, but...I found that Mr S.S. has opted for a couple of normal fins, maybe XT, and a couple of MAGLift Rotors https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...0U8NFKi_LhTiKnAVs-VsqvgLIDWL_Bozw&oe=62351EEF
...any idea about the...white thing on the main deck, just outside the saloon's windows? https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.ne...4WCiw-rVnfMVmaYXpRbxI9HmRxW56ok0Q&oe=62338252
It is refreshing to see Wright Maritime Group in Ft Lauderdale go about their business in a quiet professional manner without the press leaks and curtain calls associated with builds of this magnitude. Kudos to A.J. and his team. Also refreshing that they didn't have to scrub / sanitize the company website of Moscow office locations like some of their brethren.
Yep reminds me of a Rising Sun which isn’t too far off given that Sinot designed Musashi. Do really enjoy the design and I bet her interior is quite nice as well.
Yes Rising Sun/Musashi/Fountainhead is coming through from certain angles and with the windows and railings as well as the mast base.
2 nice aerial pics https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOeR7SvXEAQmC6N.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOeR7SYXMAA7du5.jpg
Cut the pointy bit off the front and it looks like any of a hundred dole offices, Medical centers, Furniture stores etc.
Interesting feature... the floor of the area above the bridge is on rams and can be raised to reveal another area and that will serve as a hardtop? If I understand it correctly?