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OUPV/Six-pack Captain’s License Online

Discussion in 'Licensing & Education' started by Letbetterp, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    There are so many online six-pack Captains training courses.
    Can someone recommend some of the best online training classes?

    My brother and his wife got a 2004 65 Carver Voyager.
    Brother and I hired a captain to teach / ferried from Kuttawa, Kentucky to Kema Texas.
    This was a great learning experience, our second trip was from Kema Texas to Destin Florida.
    On Destin trip we traveled over night in the gulf, we both stayed up watching radar, garmin and looking for lights on pump stations and rigs.
    This is the extent of our training and being a flight instructor commercial pilot I’m worried about what we don’t know!
    We are still learning the boat systems, sounds and smells.
    We are coming up on the one year mark in may and are planning 3 month trip from kema, Florida to Bahamas.
    Thanks in advance
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    What is your reason for doing online rather than classroom?

    I'm a supporter of online learning but when it is interactive, includes teachers, and isn't 100% self-guided. I've seen some excellent online college courses in which all the attributes of classroom instruction were included. Unfortunately, the online captains training is just digital. We had captains training us and we had lake experience, but I still found benefit to the classroom environment.

    Among the online schools, Mariners Learning System has been around a good while and I've known those who completed it and praised it. Many others are still textbook based and not even digital.

    How much sea time do you have? Have you documented it? We had enough inland boating to go for Masters rather than Six Pack even though initial licenses were very low tonnage.
    Letbetterp likes this.
  3. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    Right now I am stuck in Dallas and online is all I can find, I’d rather go to class.
    We have been on the lake just about all our life and for 5 years we had a 40 Chris Craft in La Port no technology on board and in high school lol.
    Can a gps be documentation? My brother and I have done about 2000 miles shared time running the boat.
    Sometime in the distant future we might want to do small charter right now I want to be safe and get experience.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    There are many ways to document Sea Time. Look at boats you've owned, times you've gone out. Document ownership. Try to figure out usage to the best of your ability. That should be the next thing you do in your quest as it will tell you where you stand. You may well find you have enough time to skip the six pack. However, you may still decide not to, but to do it in two stretches, six pack and later, Masters. Regardless, you need your Sea Service documented up front before going for either.

    Here's a link on documenting sea service.

    And, the form:
    Letbetterp likes this.
  5. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you could get time to fly to Fort Lauderdale, I believe it would be worth it. Unfortunately for you, I believe Fort Lauderdale is no less convenient than the Texas schools.
    Letbetterp likes this.
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I am concerned you think a captains license course will train you.
    This will be a mis-conception.
    Captains license course are quick refreshers, riddles to help you remember some important rules, some reminders to help figure the weather with more memory helpers on compass, navigation, radar and vectors..
    Mostly to prep you for a test with government (foreign language) text. All assumes you have been there and lost some T shirts already.
    If you want to learn on-line, join BoatUS and enroll in their on-line classes.
    In port, seek out the USCG auxiliary or Power Squadron classes.
    IMO, these will be more a help on boat handling to help you and family.

    OUPV or inspected captains license just mean you are responsible to take the lives of other (sometimes strangers) into your hands for hire.
    It may (MAY) help on your boats insurance.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2022
    JadePanama and Letbetterp like this.
  7. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    Thanks for your post that helps me start moving in a direction.
    With flying you must pass a written test along with flight test.
    I was thinking the 6pack was the written part of of test.
    Like flying weight and balance fuel management navigation weather emergency procedures checklist preflight can correlate to boating in some degree.
    Well I gotta start somewhere
    We will be in Miami early may and will seek outUSCG auxiliary and power squadron, also moving the boat from Kema board walk to Miami somewhere.
  8. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    My brother is looking to keep boat somewhere in Miami, they also went to the boat show.
    It will be our last trip through the gulf, but when we get there will check it out.
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    You may be ahead of the game if you have gone thru the flying test. Government questions are different from everyday language.
    And with your flying ticket, you have been trained and up there a few hours.

    Many YF kids fly and float. Some aspects of vectors (set & drift). Pre-flight is always a great part of a float plan.
    Brief, fly (boat) the brief and de-brief are still the same, just more relaxed with lots more pictures of smiles in the never ending de-brief.

    Now, heavy duty USCG license need some help from the real maritime schools and lots of time moving up the ranks.
    These schools produce masters degrees and real merchant marine ranks way above the recreational boater. Heavy career, all ocean jobs.

    Not like the test prep schools I think you were looking at for OUPV and up to 200 ton coastal master.
    For the small tickets, you keep your hours recorded, learn lots as you go. If you want to take on paying passengers you need a ticket.

    Different boat insurance companies may require some training. The state test (on-line) helps.
    Checked out by a licensed captain and a letter to your insurance company may help.
    But a captains license (unlike your air ticket) is not required on your boat,, as long as no paying, barter or chipping in passengers are on board.

    Lots of YF kids are in south FL. Open a new thread and ask about where to dock. I'm feared it's getting tight down there.

    Probably your most important request here on YF, Keep us up on your travels (remember those smiles and pictures) updates on all projects and come home safe.
    rocdiver and Letbetterp like this.
  10. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    Thanks Again for the help!
  11. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    I took Mariners Learning Sysrem to get my 6pack. I had enough documented inland hours over 20 years of runabout lake( literally on paper notebooks- my own logs). Coast guard doesn’t check them BTW…

    It was good for rules of road and practical navigation… BUT IT IS NOT A DRIVING TEST; it’s a piece of paper that helped me begin to understand what I didn’t understand. I think Insurance companies look at it as much a test of are you diligent enough to finish?—if so you are probably a serious and therefore insursble person.

    I didn’t “solo” on my boat (54’ Flybridge) until I had 86 hours over 15 days with my Cap’n aboard… and each of those trips were all about checklists, engine rooms, Genset, fuel management, previewing our trip (on Garmin… not the paper), provisioning and discussion of what we were doing- and why we were doing something —- sometimes that mirrored the Cap’n test. I’m glad I have both; but the class would be meaningless without experiencing with a pro.
    I’m now up to 482.2 hrs over 141 days/nights over last 4 hrs (lost 1 whole year to Covid) and I feel confident that I now understand how much I still
    Don’t know…. You are in the fun stage of opening up a big box of learning.
    Jeff H. and Letbetterp like this.
  12. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Having used Mariners Learning, do you now feel you would have benefitted more from an interactive classroom course or not?

    If you can show ownership and length of time, CG isn't likely to dispute. Just dispute the extreme or obviously questionable or those with no documentation.

    Did you, or do you now, have the time for a Masters, and, if so, do you plan on pursuing it?
    Letbetterp likes this.
  13. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I did my 6 pack 15 years ago and the 100 master away since I had the time. Frankly I can’t say that I learn anything in the classes especially the 6 pack. Online which was not available then would have been just fine.

    Maybe a bit different since I did it after 15/20 years of running my own boats, 53’ being the biggest.

    for all of them, OUPV, 100 and then 200 all the instructors cared about is that everybody passed. They clearly emphasized the topic that would be in the test. Worst for the 200 the practice test we did on the last day turned out to be the exact same test that was given on test day. I must have been the only one who didn’t get the hint and memorized or wrote the answers as i was the last one finishing since I had to do all the plotting questions. What a joke.

    unfortunately there is very tittle in all these classes (up to 200) that you will use in the real world.

    biggest downside to in person classes is that you have to be dragged down by the slowest students...

    Waste of time.

    trying to decide if it s worth my time to go for 500.
    Letbetterp likes this.
  14. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    Thanks for the input.
    I am starting the mariners online and start learning how deep the rabbit hole
    We had 2 weeks with a captain from Tennessee to Kema near Galveston Texas, it was around 1k miles. We went down 900 feet in elevation through locks to mobile then intercostal to Kema.
    The second trip to Destin fl we went through the gulf.
    I only get this ride if my brother and his wife keeps the boat, I’m drafting off my bro.
    We love it so far…
  15. Letbetterp

    Letbetterp New Member

    Feb 11, 2022
    See I don’t just want to pass a test to pass a test.
    That sounds about right, teach to pass a test not to learn.
    Well we’ll well thanks for the eye opener!
  16. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    I thought the online instruction was good/ better than I expected. Lots of video animations that you could watch as many times as you needed. I could go on my own pace, the quizzes were good and when you got something wrong it referred back to where to read/watch animation again.

    I didn’t want to try to cram it in with a room full
    If strangers in a short time. And I had a few question that the owner Bob Figular answered.

    not sure I’ll ever run across a “Red over Red Captain’s Dead” , but it’s good to know.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
    Letbetterp likes this.
  17. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Yep, NUC not cool.
    Letbetterp likes this.
  18. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    If you ever head to The Bahamas, you'll see this lots in the Northwest Providence Channel off Freeport. It's relatively calm, but deep there, so ships will just drift while awaiting berths nearby.
    rocdiver and Letbetterp like this.
  19. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Interesting, not disabled, just drifting.
    NUC would work well.

    Under way, not making way.
  20. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Yep. Not very exceptional circumstances, but I've seen it many times in that area.