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What Motor Yacht Brand Is The Most Mechanically Reliable?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by KRS, Feb 18, 2022.

  1. Slimshady

    Slimshady Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2018
    Lighthouse pt

    Burning diesel to make electricity then storing it, then converting back to electricity, then turning an electric motor to turn a propeller. Straight diesel propulsion is far more simplistic and efficient. Now for ac and other lighting loads a small genny being run with computer controlled load management and large battery bank makes sense. Genny runs at optimal load and all excess load is stored. Batteries are full genny shuts down until batteries are discharged to predetermined point. Wash, rinse repeat.
    On a site I needed power 24/7 for tenant. Load was between 50 and 80 amps 240 v. Light load for bigger diesel gennys and burned 1 gal an hr. Year round. Designed a great inverter system using victron and lithium batteries with genny. Already to build system and covid hit, supplier couldn't fly his tech in to install. Bang head on wall. It was going to be great system.
  2. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I've gotta think that if I was starting with an empty engine room and open access to stock it...I'd be very likely to start with two electric motors driven by a series of power generators, inverters, and batteries. You could add some solar and win support, but while I cruise very efficiently, I don't think there's anything actually efficient about it. One block of steel could do well what 3 are doing along the way.
  3. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Meh. I'm not so sure. Cruising at displacement speed, I'm mostly only using about 35% of the available power from twins. Then my genset is usually only asked to perform at around 60%, maybe slightly higher when hot and meal time. There's a lot of inefficiencies to be measured and recognized. If I could recover the waster, I think I'd double my range. Maybe more.
  4. KRS

    KRS Guest

    If your engineering work has really changed the world for the better, why is the world still a plutocractic dystopia controlled by 1% of humankind with the other 99% reduced to slaves?
    I read you like an open book as a totally hostile MF
    Quote "don't just try to insult us with bs" Unquote
    Shows your attitude - arrogance - seeking conflict - already made up your mind that I'll insult you with bs
    before even hearing my response!

    Here's my response - I'm concluding what I came on this forum for as quickly as possible and opening up a new front in the war for control of the world. This new front will bring a decisive victory against the satanic forces controlling humankind. Time is a priority and I've no time for argumentative bs. Every single human life consists of a finite amount of time and joules of energy - given by, and the property of, god and nature, not any state and government. Every single human life of the planet's human biomass outside of the world ruling 1%, is now under attack.

    What will you tell your children when they ask. "What did you do in the war for control of the world daddy?" You can reply.
    "I called myself Slim Shady and went on forums picking arguments with revolutionaries who were fighting to free the world from tyranny". I'd like to see how that goes down with ya kids, Slim.

    (Slim has already dismissed all of this as "conspiracy theory" haven't you Slim)
    Do you know that the term "conspiracy theory" was invented by the CIA after the assassination of JFK to discredit conspiracy fact? They feared the truth would be disclosed by the reporting of facts that totally demolished the official report of "Oswald as lone nut gunman".
    (read the book coup d'état America)

    I can predict ya response to all this Slim - your confrontational (at least on forums) so will want to assert your challenge even more. Probably by harping about high tech expIanations (that you've already decided will be bs whatever I say). I'm not wasting my precious time on your negative bs - I've got a world to save.
    Instead of wasting your fleeting time on me, for humankind's sake, take a walk down reality street - red pill yourself by watching the movie JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick
    (and other conspiracy fact films) View for free here:
  5. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    In November we had a long running thread on solar powered boats that quickly became suspect, so it was closed. The OP in that thread didn't seem to 'acknowledge the knowledge'. The same thing is happening here. In both cases, the OP was a new member and was quick to suggest "Silent Yachts" numerous times in a thread followed by a link insertion.

    I find it entertaining that a brand that has barely built a boat, has no global recognition and very little media presence would be getting such passionate interest! For reasons that border on corrupt and clandestine, I just removed all the news pieces we've published on the brand.

    KRS, I wasn't going to remove your membership but based on your last response to Slim... good bye!
  6. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Being that it is late evening in the old world, I can only assume this entertaining rant was written after one too many.

    JFK, revolutionaries, tyranny, joules, biomasses and even Satan! All in one post. Quite an achievement
  7. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    That was entertaining.
    bliss likes this.
  8. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
    Thanks Carl, that last rant was beyond comprehension.
  9. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Yep, entertaining indeed.
    I was wondering if the flat earth theories or the chemtrail poisoning would have been next. :D

    I don't think KRS posts were triggered by one too many though, 'cause there was a method in his obsessions.
    Which arguably made them even more concerning, but genuine nonetheless.

    In fact, I'm not sure it was worth pulling KRS membership.
    Most if not all of us have enough grey hairs to deal with oddball posters, methinks! :)
  10. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I don't think his posts were alcohol induced, perhaps other substances, but I really think just some heavy brainwashing and deep into conspiracies so taking legitimate issues and concerns into a deep black hole from which one cannot escape or function.

    Reminded me a bit of those convinced the world would be destroyed by nuclear war (and it may be) but they would hide in their shelter and then come out after the bombs had all done their damage. I just always wondered "to what?" What will you emerge to find and what will that do for you? Do you want to be the lone survivor?

    Yes, he clearly didn't get the crowd riled enough with his first posts so was accelerating the insanity and definitely not listening to Susan Powter.

    This is the best line, "I'm not wasting my precious time on your negative bs - I've got a world to save." How is he going to save the world when he's going to be solo on his solar boat? Sounds to me like his plan was saving himself from the world.
    rocdiver likes this.
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Oh, and thanks to those of you who pushed him over the edge. I just lightly nudged him toward it.
  12. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    In post #45 you said, "As to your last paragraph, I'll now just leave this discussion completely and label you in my mind as either a troll or crazy, but maybe others will reach you more effectively." Did you contradict yourself because the temptation to beat a dead horse was just too great for you?
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I left the discussion. He's no longer here to discuss. It was the discussion with him I bailed on. Now I'm discussing my discussing with you. I chose not to fight with him, nor with Kyrie Irving, but there's no fight now, just reflection on the poster formerly known as KRS.
  14. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    He will interpret his loss of membership as confirmation of that whole "1% versus the remaining 99%" thing.

  15. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    This entire thread just seems like some Jedi mind trick.
  16. Sea Gull

    Sea Gull Member

    Aug 3, 2010
    I just wasted 10 minutes skimming this thread. Glad the OP is gone, but also wondering why there was so much focus on solar when wind is the real answer. I realize he was asking about motor yachts and air conditioning, but clearly a sailing yacht more closely fits his vision of a post apocalyptic world. I’d opt for 45-45 feet LOA, but in a bigger boat he could store more Spam!
  17. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    If we could only harvest all the hot air and hubris in Social Media posts to make a perpetual motion machine…..


    See… I just created some more mega joules for we 1%ers to power our yachts. You’re welcome. !!

    and yes, that was more coherent than KRS’s last post
  18. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    Whether you like it or not "this discussion" is this whole thread. And you still haven't left the discussion!

    I see where you're coming from, though. You really didn't mean that you were leaving the discussion "completely" as you said. You meant you were leaving the discussion as long as KRS continued to participate; he got to you, huh? Well, you got back at him by calling him a troll or crazy. Why did you leave out stupid?
  19. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I don't think he's stupid. I think he's intelligent. Either he was trolling or he's just bought in fully to a lot of theories. Some of his concerns have a realistic basic, but he just takes it much further than a normal person would. When I say "crazy" it's like he's bought into a cult and it has warped his mental perspective and created a sense of panic. Now once you do that, you may say some stupid things because of the anxiety influencing you.

    He reminds me of Kyrie Irving. Smart guy, great basketball talent. Went to Duke University for his year of college. Still, he's a flat earther. He decided not to get a Covid 19 Vaccine but the only reason he gave was he thought the mandate was unfair to others, still saying he's not against the vaccine and he's felt strongly enough to forfeit $17 million or so. He said through meditation he’s become more connected to historical figures (geniuses, mainly) who were vastly misunderstood. Like Nokola Tesla. See if this next one doesn't fit:

    "Hermetic Friends, Inc. My light Brothers and Sisters! The age of No More Secrets is upon us. World Peace will be achieved in our life time and we better Effin believe it! Let them have the fabricated bull****. That genuine love and energy spreads all over the world. Eye see all. I AM"
    Kyrie said he doesn't eat steak anymore because steak doesn't come from anything natural. Perhaps he missed cows? On the subject of flat earth, he said there is not one real picture of earth.

    People start down these paths. If he was trolling, he was entertaining I guess. If he was serious, I feel bad for him, because he feels his world is coming to an end and he's persecuted and guess all of us here are part of the 1% persecuting him, but no idea how he's going to convince the 99% to join him. If all he believes is going to happen, does happen, then what kind of life does he really think he'll have floating around alone at sea? And, because we are all the enemy, no way to effectively discuss or communicate with him. I gave up and let Slimshady incur the greatest wrath. This paragraph is the one that tells us the most:

    What will you tell your children when they ask. "What did you do in the war for control of the world daddy?" You can reply. "I called myself Slim Shady and went on forums picking arguments with revolutionaries who were fighting to free the world from tyranny". I'd like to see how that goes down with ya kids, Slim.

    Life can be difficult enough just dealing with the reality of the world. Can you imagine going through life feeling under attack as he does? Most people I'm aware of like that are either hospitalized or destined to be.

    His appearance was interesting. If he really believes what he was saying, I feel bad for him as he feels sad for us. I'll discuss but not with him, as that would be pointless. He's not alone in his conspiracy theories however.
  20. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    ....He was looking to do with a boat what folks have been struggling for years to do with a legitimate house. Problem is that a house doesn't need to move. Lots of folks are moving to rural areas and trying to get off the grid. A boat on complicates that effort.