Hi All, New to YF and hoping for some advice. I am taking possession of a new 2022 Azimut 60 Fly in a couple of weeks in Fort Lauderdale. I will then ship the boat to La Paz, Mexico, before bringing it down myself to Puerto Vallarta. In addition to picking up a Williams jet tender, I will have an opportunity to load up on spare parts in Florida that I can transport along with the boat to Mexico. The boat is a standard config with VP D13s, Raymarine electronics, Onan generator, Seakeeper 9, etc. I did add a water maker but that's about the only custom equipment. Given that parts are often harder to get hold of in Mexico than in the US, I'm interested in anyone's recommendations regarding "must have" spares that I should pick up in Ft. Lauderdale to have shipped with the boat. Particularly things that are likely to need replacing in the first 2 years of an Azimut's life. Thanks!
How long do you intend to use it before shipping it? You'll have many warranty issues that need to be addressed and most would say to do so before shipping it. Now, perhaps Azimut Yachts Mexico provide better service than Marine Max. Have you inquired of them to see if they'll provide warranty service and where they can do so, as I see no coastal locations for them. Or are you going to run to San Diego for service by Alexander? I always believe in a good shake down cruise before leaving the area of the service provider.
Yes, absolutely, and that kicks off the service needed initially. Unfortunately, if the contract didn't provide for a survey prior to possession, the seller doesn't have to consent.
Yes, coming straight from the factory FOB Fort Lauderdale. Will definitely get a survey before accepting, thanks.
So, the dealer (Azimut Mx) will pick up the boat in Florida and arrange the shipment to La Paz. My acceptance is conditioned on the boat's arrival in "contract conforming condition" in La Paz. Sea trial will take place there. Azimut Mx will handle the warranty work locally (Puerto Vallarta) with engineers from either La Paz or Cancun. I am hoping to stay away from Marine Max for anything other than parts I cannot get through the dealer.
Yes true but as a buyer I can’t imagine entering into a seven figure new boat deal without that contingency. At any rate the seller can’t stop you from bringing a surveyor along for sea trials and they can’t stop him from performing a non invasive inspection at that time.
Racors, secondaries, Belts, zincs and impellers for mains and gens Replacement raw water pump for gens Voltage regulator for the gen, and possibly engine controller depending on model. If the boat doesn’t have fuel priming pumps for the mains and gens, have them installed. Replacement fuses for whatever system requires them like autopilot, generator etc. Replacement air con sea water pump unless boat has a back up already plumbed. Same with fresh water pump... and being an Italian boat, electrical diagrams
Good suggestions from Pascal, right on the money vs. the original OP question. Personally, I'd rather want electrical diagrams regardless of where the boat was built, but I'm sure he also would, actually!
Well, This could be an interesting demand. Where are the ships schematic for all systems? One heck of a demand for a new Mut owner.. And if you get anything in print, hang on to it close. You may be selling copies at ransom prices. I would like to know what is delivered to a new Mut owner these days. I do hope your delivery and last movements work out well and safe. Please keep us in touch with all your new adventures.
I f you have missed it thru the years on YF, some of us have serviced some AziMuts. Never a schematic to be found for any system. Please, If you can get any documentation on your internal system wires and plumbing, a new purchase has the best argument to get anything. Your next servicing tech will appreciate it and hours will be saved.
Let me point out too that Azimut's have a far better reputation everywhere than in the US and the reputation in the US is heavily tied to their warranty provider, Marine Max. I don't know their reputation in Mexico, but feel better about the provider there I don't know than the one here I do know.
Any pumps that are Italian Any switches, breakers or contactors that are Italian Anything that is Italian
Why, is there any comparable US built boat that you would have recommended to the OP as an alternative? Possibly one where all the above bits aren't actually made in China? Mind, I'm not saying this because I can't think of any alternatives to an Azi 60 flybridge. But none of them are American, and most if not all use the same components that you seem to dismiss just based on where they come from.
His post was not being critical, simply addressing the question of parts to carry. Italian parts are difficult to find in the US and in Mexico. This isn't the thread for recommending a boat to the OP. They bought a boat. It's for providing them advice relative to the successful use of that boat. Azimut parts are difficult to find here. As an aside, there was an Italian parts store here in the area, but it was horribly run and is gone. Meanwhile, Ferretti Group does an excellent job of stocking parts, but Ferretti parts are completely different than Azimut parts.
I would think that in most cases they should be able to use a Local equivalent at least for fresh water pumps, bilge and sump pumps, air con pumps etc. yes you have to tweak the mounts and brackets but it s all pretty standard stuff. Switches and relays may be more difficult. Euro style circuit breakers can be found here in the US and probably in Mexico.