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Snowbird questions for off season storage or slip.

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by DCliff, Feb 4, 2022.

  1. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    My wife and I are looking into a yacht as part of our snowbird strategy. Can someone please point me to any threads on this topic. We are planning on something in the 45 to 50ft range. Until then here are a couple of questions that come to mind. What do others do that live up north (West Coast) in the summer and cruise down south in the winter? Which is the safest area during hurricane season for storage or renting a slip? Which is better Storage or Slip and are there other options? Thanks for taking the time.
  2. Hatterized

    Hatterized Member

    Jul 24, 2018
    Annapolis & St. Pete
    are you referring to West Coast of Florida (Gulf) or West coast U.S. (Pacific) ?
    i ask since i have met fellow boaters who called any major storm at sea hurricane and monsoon like.....:eek:

  3. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    Thanks Scott for asking.... let me spit ball what I was thinking here. The forum can shoot holes in it and educate me. At this point in time with no experience with this topic. My wife and I are thinking of keeping our boat in Corpus Christi TX or somewhere close. This would put us close to some family in Austin. Come down during our winter in Idaho and cruise the gulf, Key's and other southern locations during the winter. Return to the north and do it all over again. At some time after getting established we would like to do the loop. What are the pros/cons and other options on locations and storage methods.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Return to what north? Idaho? Minnesota? Quebec? Alaska? With the boat or leave it south? Just boat during the winter?

    What do others do? Most who live in Idaho boat in the PNW, Washington and BC and Oregon. Then if they want warmer for winter, they go to San Diego or Ensenada or Cabo or La Paz?

    I don't know anyone from Idaho who keeps a boat in Corpus Christi so you're heading down a new path. Nothing wrong with that. I do know some from PNW who have boats in Florida. If they cruise north during the summer, it's up the East Coast.

    Safest area during hurricane season is Idaho. Eliminates boating but safest. There is no coastal area from Corpus Christi to Boston that is immune from hurricanes.

    How much do you plan on using this boat? What times of the year?
  5. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    From Nov thru to June would be cruising.

    Knowing the boat would be unoccupied July through Nov is it best to rent a slip or pull it out and store it. Any experience with either of those options?
  6. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I'm horrified with the thought of not using it from July to November. In theory, most would lean toward storing it on land if no plans to use it at all during 5 months. It reduces the costs of having someone manage it, of maintaining it, and of hurricane preparation. Finding land storage could be a challenge.

    During the months of use, will you stay on it the entire time or fly back and forth?
  7. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    I understand that you want home base to be TX because of family but that’s a loooong way from the FL keys. You’re not just going to pop over there and then back to TX. Frankly, from Corpus Christi it’s a long way cruising to anywhere.

    Living 1,500 miles from your boat is likely going to be a big problem for your insurance company. Even if it’s not I highly recommend you hire someone to look after it when it’s in the water and you’re not there.

    People in severe winter climates store boats out of the water all the time but there’s an infrastructure in those places to do it. I don’t know what you’re going to have available to you in TX.
    gr8trn and T.T. like this.
  8. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    We would be living aboard it entirely while down in TX. Cruising for 8 months or maybe longer if we do the loop. Go back to Idaho for some months to be with family and other activities. I'm sure you know there is a theory of what you plan on doing and then there is reality. Thanks everyone for your feedback. I know folks buy condo's and other properties to snowbird to during the northern winter months. It's interesting that more folks don't purchase yachts in place of condo's or other such propertys to travel and visit other places. Seems the majority sell their homes and move to a liveaboard to travel.
  9. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    A lot of people do just that: spend the winter on a boat down south and cruise around although you can’t compare it to a condo. You don’t just lock the door and walk away for a a few months... you will need someone to take care of the boat, start the engines and gen every couple of weeks, etc. yes you can haul and store the boat in the summer if you have the facilities. Some people do it in Florida to avoid hurricane season hassles.

    i m not sure Texas is the best choice though. You re a long way from nice cruising grounds like the Bahamas.
  10. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    Do marina facilities provide a service to maintain a boat while its vacant? If TX isn't a good place what area would you recommend? I know it's unpredictable as to where a hurricane would make landfall but are there areas where a hurricane level would be much reduce such as an inland marina or something else?
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Usually no but you could hire someone to do that. Some captains / managers do

    I would probably look at storing the boat further inland, 100 miles or so from shore Safer and likely cheaper
  12. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I live in Virginia and leave my boat in Stuart Florida during Hurricane season. I stay at River Forest and in the event of named storm I go into a building that is rated for CAT 4 and is one lock in on the Okeechobee waterway. For a 54 Motoryacht the storage cost approximately $4300 a month for each month of hurricane season. One of the advantages is that you can get work done on the boat with out the pressure of time constraints. They have a wait list at Stuart but their Labelle facility expanded I believe they have some openings. Hope this helps.
    gr8trn likes this.
  13. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Think about the question if I were Idaho based, I would ski in Sun Valley, and boat in the Bahamas.
    I would leave my boat in FL and find a captain to maintain her when away. Are there more boats per capita in FL than any state in the Union? Do they all haul out during named storms?
    Plus if you get bored with heading south of FL, you can head north and check out the Eastern gems all the way to Nova Scotia or at least Maine.

    Just take a look at @Pascal posts and his cruising guide on Exumas and Bahamas and you will forget all about family in TX:)

    I like skiing in Schweitzer at as well but the lake fog is a bummer some times!
  14. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I would leave my boat in FL and find a captain to maintain her when away. Are there more boats per capita in FL than any state in the Union? Do they all haul out during named storms?

    Insurance can be tough to get for owners that dont reside in florida.
  15. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    Motoryachlov - I looked at River Forest. From what you discribe your a memeber of the hirricane club then?

    gr8trn - You mention Schweitzer which is just up the road from us. We live in Coeur D'Alene.

    Thanks everyone for the information. Seems I have a lot more research to do. Are there other search topics I could use for my research?
  16. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    Yes member of the Hurricane club. I didn’t know they called it a club. You have options to store on the outside as well and they strap you down to concrete anchors with a rebar loop at the top. I am sure that is a little cheaper.
  17. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Coeur D'Alene is a wonderful lake town for sure. I love Sand Point too:)
    As to more research to do, join the club. Not the Hurricane club, the new to boating club.
    Are you boating on the lake or have you that sort of boating experience. It all counts and translates for your future.
    There are plenty of forums related to boating, Yachtforums is the best for having experienced captains and owner operators of cruising boats, in my opinion. This forum is very quick to root out trolls or folks with self promoting motivations as far as I can tell. Legit is the word that comes to mind here.
  18. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    Your family in Texas will love the easy flight to South Florida to see your boat.

    The bigger challenge I see is finding a marina to live aboard for an extended period of time - let alone 8months. Anchoring out means dingy/access dingy dock nearby- getting food fuel & water become challenges- doable but challenging.

    in the winter you can cruise north/ maybe to South Carolina but it gets cold. Bahamas are great but you may get stuck there if too windy to cross back over Gulf Stream. Florida is great- just challenging to get dockage.

    Fort Lauderdale is the Mothership for boats, services and captains :management companies. I’d start your search there

    Good luck.
  19. DCliff

    DCliff New Member

    Jan 28, 2022
    Thanks for all the insight and experienced opinions. If you have any interesting links on this topic please share. Again I appreciate it.