I surveyed a 1998 47 Viking with 800hp MAN's yesterday and ran into to issues that I am struggling to find answers to that I'm hoping this community can help with. 1- Man engine gauges & sending units. There are a few gauges and/or sending units that need replacement. Both engine tach's were darting back and forth which would have made actual rpm's unknown, if it was not for the Flowscans. Any pointers to someone that stocks these gauges (I they are VDO) would be appreciated. 2- Flowscan parts. The Filters/Dampners are starting to corrode and need replacement. Flowscan no longer makes these. Anyone have an alternative source or alternative manufacturer? Other than that, MAN surveys will be back Thursday, from which I'll make a call on the boat. Thanks to all who can help. Ron
Best bet is probably Lauderdale Speedometer. They have lots of VDO senders. I don't think they stock VDO Vanguard gauges any longer only the newer models. They also repair gauges
Try this contact information for Flowscan. Do not know if it is still valid. Bought Homogenizer & Pulsation Canasters from them in Aug 2020. FloScan, Inc 4204 Russell Road, Suite K Mukilteo, WA 98275 Joe Dydasco Ph: 206-465-6136 joe.dydasco@floscan.com https://floscaninc.com/ http://www.floscan.com/
I have a 95 54 Viking with MAN 820s and have dealt with the bouncing tachs. I also did some cruising on your model boat that was a friend of mines. I assume you have VDO gauges/tachs at the helm and the digital tachometers in the engine room. If you have a Glendenning synchronizer my experience was that the bouncing tachs at the helm were due to a little plastic gear in the Glendenning that needs replacing. I would start their first. The “cables” going to the Glendenning may need replacing as well. A good mechanic can help you with this. Others more mechanically astute than me may be able to describe this situation better. Let us know where you are and we may be able to lead you to a good Mechanic.
Thank you Gents. The Floscan website lists parts but does not allow you to order them. I shot an email to Joe D to see if he can provide guidance. Gauges are VDO but engine controls on this boat are Morse. Don't know how they compare to Glendenning but they are singles (throttle and shift in one) set up Palm Beach style. Great suggestion on checking the synchronizer. While the Morse controls are relatively new, I do not know what the synchronizer setup is. The boat is in League City, TX. If the survey's come back acceptable, the boat will reside somewhere between Cape Canaveral and Stuart, FL.
Thanks again to all. Purchased boat and moved it from TX to FL for it's shake down. Lot's learned, lots of new grey hairs, a few things broke and one hell of a trip with high school friends that have not had an opportunity to hang out in quite a while. Linked a few videos from the trip:
Dockmaster - You got that right & thanks. Really getting to know appreciate the girl. Look forward to making her our own.
My shake down cruise 10 years ago was from Puget Sound, WA to Ketchikan, AK. A trip I'll never forget both for the good and the challenging. Mostly good though. Hope yours was the same. Did you have any major issues? If you knew what you know now, would you still buy the boat?
Had two major issues. First was that Genny locked. I had negotiated the price based on replacing it but based on survey and oil analysis, did not expect it to go so quickly. Second was water in bilge and inop stern bilge pump. Worked during survey and pre-trip test. Remaining pumps removed water but had to come off plane so hull was relatively flat to do so. All in, would buy her again. See great times in our future.
We had gear with us and saw promising signs but losing the generator put us in get home mode. Was really rough knowing we were driving over great fishing.
What size gen do you have? I am really happy with the new Northern Lights units I installed two years ago. Are you going back with a single unit? Mine originally came with a single 20kw but now I have a 20kw and a 9kw. I only need the 20kw when powering big loads which isn't that often. So the 9kw does the work about 90% of the time and also gives me redundancy.
DockMaster - She has a single 15KW Onan. Unfortunately there is not room for a second so jealous of the flexibility and redundancy your setup allows. Might keep one of my smaller Honda portables onboard for emergencies. That said, part of what we learned on this cruise is that when the genny goes, so do the battery chargers and because the mains are not plugged into the house bank in any way, anything running on 12v will eventually die. In our case, that includes nav lights, electronics, etc. That is a definite no go moving forward so we are exploring several options for protecting against this. If anyone else is suffering from this issue, know that in an emergency, you can bridge one main batt to one house batt to retain some level of 12v charging. In looking to replace the Onan we found out that they have a 60 week backlog. Will likely go with a Phasor as they seem high quality and are made here in FL so support and parts should be good. Interesting discovery is that the Phasor 15KW uses the same Kubota diesel that the Onan does. Haven't got that far yet but hoping the similarities will allow us to recycle some of the Onan setup like the enclosure, remote started, etc.
The engine locked up on the gen-set? A whole long block can be had cheap. If you are pondering saving the sound enclosure and other devices, this would help all.
Another example of ole battery jumper cables could of helped tie the house and engine batteries together. You may consider a battery charging combiner in your near future.