Hey Carl, I was just wondering if you'd planned on anything for FLIBS in two months, any kind of informal meet-up for all the regulars... maybe one evening, or something. I'm really hoping to get down this year, but nothing's concrete yet. But given the membership of this board, it's obvious a good portion of the contributors (and likely many readers) will already be there., so I thought it would be interesting to meet, put faces and voices to names etc.
Absolutely! Let's do this! My schedule's flexible, with the exception of Thursday. I have to work the entire day. Maybe we should ask members to decide the best day & time. The most convenient time & place for everyone to meet will probably be on one of the beer barges during show hours. There's one barge that is generally not too crowded. It's located on the north (temporary) docks where they connect the Hall of Fame Marina to the docks under the Las Olas bridge, along the intracoastal. My guess is a late Friday afternoon get together would work best for those in the industry, where as our friends who are flying in might opt for a Saturday/Sunday rendezvous?
That's why I brought it up now, well in advance, so you could give everyone interested time to chime in and have the best chance to sort out a time & date that works for the most people.
Kevin, It might be a little early with Monaco coming up, but I've moved this thread into the General Discussion. Some of the magazines, like Yachts International, have Invitiation Only parties that are professionally catered. Wouldn't it be hilarious is a bunch of people showed up at the beer barge for YachtForums!
Curt C We will be showing the boat at the Camper & Nicholson's display at the Las Olas Marina. Anyone please feel free stop by for a chat and a tour.
Sounds like the party is on Curt C. LoL Actually Ken, a tour sounds great. Friday or Saturday works for me (keep in mind that it's not as crowded on Friday as on the weekend days). If we could get a yacht to sponsor a get together for an hour or three, we could have our own invitation-only bash. Then again the beer barge sounds relaxing. I'm in either way. See you all there. Carl, you working the show? Capt Tom
Hi, I am hoping to make it to FLIBS this year, I was booked last year then cried off when I was told how devastated the place was. Who here is going to the Monaco Show or the Hamburg SMM or Mets/Project2006?
I understood Carl would be hosting an all expense paid dinner for all forum members at Ruth Chris's Steak House!!!!!! (Just kidding)
I have not been a member of this particular site long, but these types of get-togethers are always fun. Sounds great.
Okay y'all, The FLIBS is a month away. So you folks that don't live down here in paradise need to book your travel plans soon. If you need any local information, just ask and we'll try to help. We'll let Carl finalize a date/time for YF members to get together (and perhaps more than once). It will be good to put faces with the names as well as see the yachts of some of the members. Capt Tom
well I'll make the effort to be there but all depends on the sale of the yacht and if the boss is with me hunting for his new yacht????
Hi, I am going to try and make it. I was at Monaco and despite trying to meet Lars ( AMG) only managed some SMS Communication so I won't make any promises about meeting but will watch this space
I had not given any real thought to going this year, now I am reconsidering. I think that it would be great to finally put faces on the screen names.
Sorry so late posting. On the road for the past two days... The time to meet should be decided by our out-of-town members. Whatever is most convenient for them... will work for the rest of us in the biz or residing in South Florida. As for multiple day meet-ups, absolutely! I don't need an excuse to take the load off and hang out with friends. My biggest concern is... how much pain my credit card can endure! FLIBS '06... yeah, I was there. Nobody showed up.
More detailed information os the 2006 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (FLIBS) here on their site....In case anyone needs better information...its all there...http://www.showmanagement.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=flibs.home