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2020 Bertram 61

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by wiredup, Dec 14, 2021.

  1. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Anyone have experience with the new line of Bertrams, especially the 61? I can't find any real world reviews of the boat as there are not many around. There is one on the market now. Love the interior as it's almost a cross between a cruising MY and a sportfish. Am concerned about build quality, engineering, serviceability, and resale value.
  2. Tom Childs

    Tom Childs New Member

    Apr 15, 2016
    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    I can’t give you any real world scoop other than the money behind this incarnation of Bertram is committed to return Bertram back to the battle wagon performance an reputation that was taken out of them when Ferretti owned them. That being said the new owners only bought the name and the goodwill reputation. There were no molds…. They had to start from scratch. As the 35 is an homage to the 31, the 61 is an homage to the 54 (mine :)). Call me if you want me to get you in touch with the peeps at the factory. Would be interested in what you find out. Tom

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I can't offer any insights but it always makes me skeptical when someone is selling something fairly new. So I would try to find out if there is a compelling story behind the sale that isn't related to the boat itself.
  4. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Interesting they did not have the molds, I was hoping perhaps they modified the infamous 54 hull. Starting from scratch brings in the ride factor. I have not looked into the naval architect involved. I had heard of a few issues (can't remember specifics) with hull #1. I am coming from a 2008 60' Hatteras and multiple carolina boats, so have learned what to look for with engineering systems. I am slowing down some with my offshore fishing, and am even contemplating MY's in the future, and the 61 design inside is great.
  5. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    I agree, but seems it happens all the time. Especially with custom boats, which is wacky. Jaruco, the 90' Jarrett Bay is for sale and the owners spent years and millions designing the boat. Same has happened with New Bayliss' and the new 65 Hatteras GT's which 2 are back on the market that are either '20 or '21 model year.
    Kirk Rogers likes this.
  6. MBY

    MBY Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Newport Beach, CA
    Michael Peters Yacht Design did the design work for the 35, 50 express and 61. Full disclaimer I haven't ridden on any of the new Bertrams my only experience is with our Michael Peters designed hulls and thus far they have been fantastic. I have no reason to think the 61 would be a bad performing boat. My personal opinion is the reason you don't see more Bertram's on the water is they entered the market in a segment largely dominated by Viking and they haven't launched enough of them yet to make the rounds on the tournament circuit. I like the interior of the 61 it definitely has a nice open feel to it.
  7. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Hatteras is having the same problem with new owners, great new models, but not many out there, and warranty concerns with both companies longevity is questionable. I am going to be looking at 62' Vikings after the new year. I like the interior of the Bertram better.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Then step up on and look the new Bertram over. Please let us in on what you find.

    Sadly, the old Bertram company and old models are gone. Just nostalgia. Not real modern or efficient anyway. Just battle ship tough and would last. I'm still pushing my 43 year old 58.
    I have not been on any of the new Bertram boats yet myself. But if I could shop, I certainly would give them a good look.

    Hatts and Vikings are not battleships anymore either.
    cleanslate and wiredup like this.
  9. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    My father had a 28' Bertram from 1984 to 1994, so familiar with the old models. Was a great boat!
  10. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Nice layout in salon, I would work in a lower steering station with that forward glass.
    cleanslate likes this.
  11. Gary Chiles

    Gary Chiles New Member

    Dec 16, 2021
    San Diego, CA
    I am currently restoring and repowering a 28 foot 1974 hardtop convertible, I am almost finished with the repowering portion, I took 2 mercedes 300d turbo engines, went through them from crank to turbo, found a company that makes a conversion kit in the Netherlands, Am utilizing heat exchangers and coolers ( so NO salt water touches these engines). Hooked them to heavy duty borg warner 72 series trannys, (the boat is twins, shaft drive) and so far ,so good, the initial sea trial was successful with a couple of hiccups, but have to still tune the props, can send pictures of the project if anyones interested!
    wiredup, TahoeJohn and chesapeake46 like this.
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    These projects are always welcome. Please open a new thread and fill up YFs server drives with pictures and notes.
    Remember to keep them down to around 650 pixels so the kids on the slower ships (bandwidth) hook-ups can enjoy them.
  13. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Bertram is since 2015 owned by Gavio, who also owns Baglietto and Cerri, Italian custom super yacht builders. With Bertram Gavio is taking a full American approach with all designs coming from Michael Peters.
    Gavio started with a clean state, they are doing well mostly with the 35 (over 50 sold) and the centre consoles which debuted in 2020. The 39 has sold like 30 units, and the 28 is also doing very well.
    The 50 and 61 are small sellers. I think they are at the eight hull on the 61, and five hulls for the 50 which is still not bad.
    The 35 which is the most long model they had are keep prices very well, and have heard good reviews about them.

    They are doing a very good job, though dominating or being a hot seller will be very difficult cause of Viking dominance of the Sportfish market.

    Since that Bertram is sold by Galati it most probably is a trade-in or an interest for a larger Viking. If it was a warranty issue I would suspect it would have been sold by Denison who are Bertram dealers on the East Coast.
    wiredup and cleanslate like this.
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Hatteras has launched a decent amount of Sportfish, do yourself a favor and look at the 59' GT and 65' Carolina. Both are very high quality and a better ride than the equivalent sized Vikings. As far as the Bertram, my friend worked on a couple of them. They have some teething issues as far as quality is concerned. Non skid was tacky on one boat and had to be painted again after it left the factory, some issues with engine room flooring and other little items. I've never been on the later ones.
    wiredup likes this.
  15. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    I am coming out of a 2008 Hatteras 60gt, so I agree they are great boats. I want to get into something newer and am looking at the Viking 62's. I really like the interior of the new bertram with the 360 view, layout, etc. I was wondering if you had heard anything on these new ones, sounds like no. I would step to the 65' Hatt GT that's on the market, but it's beyond my budget.
  16. Rafael Velez

    Rafael Velez New Member

    Aug 24, 2022
    Puerto Rico
    I am the owner of hull #2 of the Bertram 61. I don’t fish but since I live in Puerto Rico a sports fisherman is necessary for the Caribbean. Having 6-8 ft waves is pretty common. Came from an Azimut which could not take on the waves.
    I can attest that the 61 runs great. I usually cruise at 34 knots @ 1,800 and have taking it up to 42 knots. I have encountered 10 foot waves and it does amazing. Hull is strong as a tank and cuts the waves in an efficient manner. You hardly get wet… I have had friends with similar Vikings and they believe the Bertram is better. It is true that there were some minor teething issues, but the dealer has responded appropriately.
    I liked it so much that I also bought a new 28’
    Rerm and Liam like this.