Hey everyone. I am trying to establish a scuba diving boat charter business in Florida and have been trying to learn the process of obtaining a COI and all that is needed to run my business legally. I've spoken to the coast guard office as well as a few captains and other people that have been through the process but it still seems fairly confusing. The biggest questions I have would be: Is a COI even necessary to run a diving boat charter business? What does the process look like? How much better is it to purchase a boat that has an existing COI than one that currently doesn't have one? (We have identified two boats that fit the bill. The one we like a lot doesn't have a COI, the one we may have to settle on currently does have a COI) Thank you for any and all feedback. Any other information that you all think might be relevant is definitely appreciated as well.
You don’t need a COI if you don’t take more than 6 passengers it is a fairly complex process which usually involves significant modifications incl taller railings, fireproofing etc. you also need to provide stability information which may be difficult.
It is usually quicker, cheaper and easier if you purchase a boat already7 with current COI. If your just starting cold, Would you want to start with a UPV anyway? Still have some requirements and safety regs but a lot less up front expenses. https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/DCO Documents/5p/CG-5PC/INV/Alerts/0112a.pdf
Thanks for the reply. Is that 6 passengers including myself and crew or 6 passengers and then additionally myself and crew?