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Recommendation for a 60-65 feet boat..

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by JustinMet, Nov 19, 2021.

  1. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Nice layouts and MAN engine choices which I like. In fact, may lead me to look at them as I haven't very closely in the past. They do have a US dealer network. As to single level main deck, perhaps that's an option as the one I'm looking at online has a step up. Seem worthy of at least consideration.

    Now for the one negative to be wary of. They are part of the Beneteau Group. The Monte Carlo 52 is built in France but the others still at the old Monte Carlo Yacht plant in Italy. Now, it's my understanding that Beneteau made a lot of changes in production after acquisition. These included modern production line techniques and lightening the boat while changing methods and materials. I don't know whether that improved or worsened the boat. I'm not a fan of Beneteau boats so gives me some concern. However, modernizing techniques and materials could be a great positive.

    I would definitely go for the MAN 1200's and not the 1000's. Test results I've seen have WOT of 29 and 31 knots depending on engine but on the surface the performance curve seems still a bit sluggish which was a previous complaint and something Beneteau strove to correct.

    Three stateroom layout spacious, four a bit crowded as you'd expect.

    You've made me curious now.
    Rerm likes this.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Was the OP chased away?
  3. ArielM

    ArielM Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2010
    Los Angeles
    I would be. People are constantly questioned on this forum. If you don’t have a mainstream opinion /question you are accused of working for a brand or trolling.

    capt j likes sunseekers. How this got so sideways and accusatory for such a popular boat is off putting.
    Rerm and TahoeJohn like this.
  4. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    I think it's too early to tell; it's only been a day and a half. And I think Canadians are more patient or laid-back than we Americans.:) He said he wasn't in a rush.
  5. retiredguy

    retiredguy Member

    Sep 20, 2021
    Dang is argue and b*tch about others opinions all you "old regulars" do? Here's an idea, when someone asks a question, give them your best answer and STFU about other peoples replies. Don't care if you think the other guy is wrong or even if you think he or she is an idiot. Leave it alone and give YOUR reply. The OP can make up their mind what to listen to.

    Now, someone prove they are they are a real *ss and give me your excuses and tell me to butt out. Can hardly wait to hear it. (A few of us have a bet on who will be first and what that persons excuse will be. :)
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2021
    Scott Felstad and Kafue like this.
  6. jsschieff

    jsschieff Senior Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Middletown RI/Stuart FL
    Does anyone have experience with the Riviera Belize boats? I toured their 66 at a boat show and liked a number of the features. I see a smaller Belize model running by my place on the ICW from time to time and it looks like it cruises at a good clip with minimal fuss through the water.
    cleanslate and Rerm like this.
  7. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Time will tell, but at least OB is turned on to a new idea for his families next Great Loop boat. I get what that he is not a fan of Beneteau boats, I have one and they are what they are. I mean all boats are. You hope to get what you pay for. I do wonder about the Monte Carlo Yacht line. I recall seeing them when they entered the market and they seemed to be a boat that would sell, I don't see much of them or from them lately. Seems that Prestige took off and then the Polish boat Galeon is rolling now.

    I am a bit curious as to how the original poster will find a 1-2 year old boat that is in his parameter range that will not be too expensive. He mentioned that the larger Prestige X line was too expensive. While buying previously owned should be less price with initial depreciation, I am not so sure that is the case right now. Market still seems to be favoring sellers.

    I just ran Yachtworld for 2019-2020, 60-67', North America. There are 42 listings. I sorted lowest price to highest, he said a new Prstige X line was to expensive right? You will find Prestige 630, Galeon 660, Azimut 60 fly for under US$2M. There are still too many boats listed by Rick Obey Yachts, buyer beware.

    It seems we need to know more about budget too.

    Personally I would be looking as far back as five years at least in order to widen the field.

    He might just want to step up to the Prestige 620 or 630 from his current Prestige.
  8. Kafue

    Kafue Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2006
    Gold Coast Australia
    From where I sit as a long standing YF member who purposely took a few years break from this wonderful Forum, I feel that if I were a new member (as is the OP) asking a valid question in the hope of Expert answers; that what I get as a reply can be summed up in a few adjectives:
    Arrogance, Aggression, Defensiveness & Egos...What happened to the Comradery? Hell we can all still have our own opinions without the need to destroy characters & well meant advice.
    retiredguy and gr8trn like this.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I ran a 76' Monte Carlo and was not impressed with it at all. It had very small fuel tanks and subsequent small fuel range. The interior looked really cheap.....specifically the flooring and walls in the hallways to the staterooms and the salon too. Wasn't impressed with the design aspects or sea keeping either. It was just ok.

    I've run my share of Prestiges and they're definately a price point boat and it reflects that. Their seakeeping is not great. They are what they are, but they do make great use of space. However, I also ran a Galleon, with a 3-4' sea on the beam, around 55' and it was pretty impressive as far as seakeeping and such considering the same price as Prestige it appeared to be better quality.
    gr8trn likes this.
  10. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    I do have a hard time understanding the small fuel tankage that seems so common. Is the Med really all short hops? Is it to save on running weight so they can install the smallest power plant?
  11. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Yes, a 200Nm range is enough to go anywhere in the Med.
    But there's also an attempt to wink at those who hope to save the planet, in this trend - and brochures reflect that.
    Which is a bit pathetic when talking of motorboats, also because the main trigger of weight reduction and smaller powerplants is obviously costs saving.
    OTOH... Whatever sells! :)
    gr8trn likes this.
  12. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    A perfect example of NOT practising what you are preaching within the very same sentence, if I've ever seen one! :D
  13. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Waddumean old? That was completely revolutionized in the very late noughties, and designed from scratch for the most modern modular building concepts.
    It's also true that the Italian CEO, who made of MCY one of the fastest growing companies in the industry during its most difficult years ever, eventually had a big fight with the French owners and was kicked out a few years ago, but hey, French are French and Italians are Italians...
    Not sure of how they are now going with the French bean counter who was sent to replace Demaria, but not long ago they announced that they were going to move to MCY plant also the production of CNB Yachts, so I suppose they are still happy with what they are producing over there...
  14. retiredguy

    retiredguy Member

    Sep 20, 2021
    In the contenders circle, a possible winner... Thanks for playing.
    Rerm and Capt Cole like this.
  15. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    You're talking as if you weren't one of the contenders, thanks to you too!

    BTW, it seems to me that you are a very strong player in the field of commenting other replies rather than contributing to the actual thread content, based on this recent post of yours.
    Which I actually agreed with, as you will note by my "like".
    But if you don't recognize when you make the very same mistake you are accusing others of, your own fingerpointing becomes laughable.

    He who is without sin, etc....

    PS: talking of your amendment when quoting what I wrote (practicing vs. practising), you will forgive me if I learned proper English, rather than your dialect.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2021
    Ward and Riknpat like this.
  16. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Great info. Who/where is US service for Riva? I am into sportfish now, but am starting to look into cruisers, and Riva seems well regarded.
  17. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Riva is and There are then 35 authorized service centers in the US.
    wiredup likes this.
  18. Capt Cole

    Capt Cole Member

    Jan 24, 2017
    Pittsburg CA
    Could not agree more. I actually took a break from this site for a few days for the exact reason you have addressed. The vast majority of information from here is positive, helpful and generally not readily available anywhere else. On occasion, legitimate inquiries turn into an international pissing match.
    cleanslate likes this.
  19. JustinMet

    JustinMet New Member

    May 4, 2021
    Montreal, Canada
    THANK YOU ALL! I really appreciated.

    I thought I would receive emails when I have a reply. Wasn't the case so I am happily surprise to read all these answers. I thought i had no reply..

    I went quickly through them but will go again in details.

    By the way, the answer on the Sunkeeper is exactly what I am looking for. No need for confrontation please guys as I'm looking to build a list of options. I may fly in Miami in February to visit my short list.

    Some more precision, as asked. Thanks for that. We don't need any special equipment. Yes some may be helpful but as she is 11 years old and relatively little, we can manage with standard equipment. So as mentionned, the Prestige 52 we have works fine but is a little fine. We'd like more space as we mobe her on a special stroller. It would be great to move here more easily, and that's why we are looking for something similar but wider / longer.

    -4 rooms is key. Ideally it would be 4 + crew but 3+crew may work (as we have actually).

    Again, many thanks. I am new to this forum and quite new on the yacht world but your comments are helpful. Again, the idea is to build a list of options, and build a list to no go. So do not hesitate and please guys, stay calm. :)

    Many thanks again.

  20. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    You should have received a notice from the first response to the thread unless the email address you supplied during registration is not valid. If you don't return to the forum to check the thread after the first response, no further notices will be sent.

    Is your address at videotron valid?