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101 Ft Feadship Calypso - Where Is It

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by CNRules, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. CNRules

    CNRules New Member

    Dec 21, 2006
    eastern U.S.
    Anyone seen this beautiful classic 1971 Feadship lately, most recently called Calypso - it was for sale for a couple years in Stuart Fl. and reportedly sold in April 2021 supposedly to someone in Costa Rica for possible chartering -- maybe the people running Marina Papagayo or the Los Suenos Resort and Marina? It supposedly went to Rybovich (West Palm or Riviera Beach) for survey and facelift on purchase, but I lost track of her. Buyer beat me to her. Her most famous aspect is that the great rock band The Moody Blues ("Breathe deep the gathering gloom ...") reportedly partied on her in the 1970's as the mate at the time was a chum of a band member, and the owner reportedly said why not .... Anybody have any info on her current whereabouts or status? Thanks much.
  2. CNRules

    CNRules New Member

    Dec 21, 2006
    eastern U.S.
    Thanks BRyachts - but I'm looking for current info on her since her apparent sale in April 2021 in Stuart, FLA. Those links are several years old, as you note is a possibility in your post. Best, CNRules
  3. Riknpat

    Riknpat Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Coincidentally I had recalled a video walkthrough of her because I like that particular design. Checked back = it was November 2019 the video was made by a Ft. Lauderdale broker named Randall Burg who had a company called Love That Yacht. Now I don't know if it was Mr. Burg who sold the yacht or indeed anything about him but he might be the person who knows where she is.
  4. Joha011

    Joha011 New Member

    Nov 21, 2019
    Hello, I actually looked at Calypso about a year ago in Stuart, the broker Randall walked us through the boat. Sad to say but unfortunately she was in terrible condition rusted in and out and needed a complete strip down and overhaul. They were selling the boat as is on the dock with no seatrial. I’m glad to hear that she sold, hopefully someone with deep pockets is able to bring her back to her full beauty.
  5. CNRules

    CNRules New Member

    Dec 21, 2006
    eastern U.S.
    I was on the boat too. The cosmetics could be addressed easily, but the big question was what the hull survey would show -- I spoke at length to Chris Pliske at World Yachts, a recommended Feadship hull surveyor, about doing the survey, a significant undertaking, but we never got that far. I'd be be very interested in what the survey showed and what work was needed after this most recent purchase -- if not bad then this was a good purchase. Cheers.