thinking of making my way to one of those boat shows. Im in CA so I can only make it to one of them. I know FLIBS is way bigger, but im focused more in the sport fish market and was told that the Palm beach boat show has a much higher concentration of Viking, Hatteras etc. Is that true? Is the palm beach boat show worth travel across the country for? I was at Flibs in 2019 and it was great, but looking at other possibilities. Thanks.
FLIBS is THE show to go to if buying a boat. Palm beach is tiny compared. Every builder with something to sell will be there.
You'll have far more to choose from at FLIBS versus Palm Beach, last year being the exception due to Covid. With that said, Palm Beach generally has a pretty good display of brokerage sportfishers as well. If you're looking for a new build the sportfish builders will have their biggest displays at FLIBS and a smaller display at Palm Beach.
Ralph asked the key questions. I'd toss in one more and that is how ready are you to buy. The shows are nearly 5 months apart. If you're just window shopping, FLIBS definitely. More to see. But if you're thinking of buying a used boat in Spring, 2022, the ones at FLIBS will mostly be gone by then. On the other hand if you're wanting to order a new boat as soon as possible, then you'll get it sooner by going to FLIBS.
No, it is not true. Both Viking and Hatteras tend to have more boats at the Fort Lauderdale show from what I've seen.
Only been at FLIBS once, ten years ago, and I hated every awfully crowded days of it. OTOH, I actually enjoyed the nights I spent there. I mean, inside it, because being there as an exhibitor, and overnighting onboard one of the show boats, I could walk around the show also at night. The boots left open, with a/c and lights on, and videos running on the large displays, were surrealistic to say the least. I guess the electricity wasted in a few days could have powered a small village for a month!
I have found and bought some expensive electric and electronic accesserys at FLIBS. Items that were priced lower then I could find elsewhere.
Depends on the size, lot of big boats displayed. Lots of MY's. Depends on what size sf you are looking for. Plenty of sf boats not in the show to look at while in SE Florida.