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WhisperPower vs Onan

Discussion in 'Generators' started by etang789, May 7, 2020.

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  1. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    I have found that if a product is made in America it is advertised in a big way.
    Stickers, or little flags and on line you really can't miss where it's from if it's M.I.A.
    My work boots each have a little tiny flag sewn into the seams !
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Sounds good in theory but where were the soles made, the eyelets, threads, glue, leather, steal? Even where was that flag or sticker made? All that assuming they're not counterfeit. Then there's the price. Would you prefer boots of equal fit, one pair for $300 that will last 5 years or the second pair for $150 that'll last 4 years? For the second you'll get 8 years of use as opposed to 5 for the the same $300. Were the M.I.A. boots made in a union shop where the employees were well paid and care about keeping their jobs or were they made in a sweat shop by illegals who yesterday were mowing lawns? There's so many questions that aren't answered by just asking where a product is made. Of course before globalization we knew what shoes from Italy, watches from Switzerland and toys from Japan meant, but that ship has sailed. Heck, Haagen Dazs ice cream is from the Bornx, NYC.

    Far more important than where something is "manufactured" is does the company produce a good product. Do they stand behind their products?
  3. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    You make a point there and "assembled in America" is not the same as M.I.A., I get it

    Google Thorogood boots or midwest boots dot com to answer your questions and in our experience they stand behind their products.
    You have your choice of products and their origins
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Mine say "Herman SURVIVORS since 1870" The inside tag says "Jason II USA". Then in small print at the bottom of a bunch of small print are the words "Made in China". That said they're the most comfortable boots I've had in too many decades to count, and I've had them over 5 years working on steel decks, rocks, shoveling snow, riding my bike. Unless you can go by the reputation of the company (I'd never heard of the Herman Co,, but the label said they'd been around since 1870. Lol) the only way to tell if a product will likely be good is to check it out.
  5. etang789

    etang789 Member

    Jul 5, 2017
    Hong Kong
    Yes, I would totally agree on your point of spending on better quality proven genset like NorthernLights or Onan... But I have decided to overspend more on main engines from Yanmar to QSB to QSC which are much more expensive and difficult to replace than a defective genset in the future. At the price of a NL or Onan I can get 2 or more Ouma in my case... My thinking its still base off a Kubota engine so still a controlled risk, but again because I overspent on my Cummins :D...

    I actually know the owner of Cheoy Lee ... Like many other shipyards here he wasnt interested in doing a repower project... which theres a point financially doesnt make sense and theres no resale value here since much newer used italian brand name boats are about the same price as my repower cost. For me its really a sentimental value for this repower project and resale is not in a consideration in the future...

    Yes, many thanks for all your inputs! My knowledge is nowhere close to be an expert but anyways we are all here for our passion of boating!

    Correct! Need a new genset, as mentioned cheapest possible, 4 cylinder Kubota hopefully less noise and vibration...

    I will sure keep you posted how many hours it will last ... my logic is hopefully it will last longer than half a new NL or Onan ... and hopefully by then I have spare cash for a NL or Onan or may be local dealers pricing can be more trasnparent and less seafood pricing...
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021