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Another Propspeed question— I have conflicting advice

Discussion in 'Props, Shafts & Seals' started by luvtocruise, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. luvtocruise

    luvtocruise Member

    May 1, 2020
    I am scheduled to haul my new to me boat in October and address some survey issues and put a new bottom on her— This boat sits in Palmetto, Florida. I plan to cruise the Bahamas in the boat started after the first of the year and then for 3-4 months, then bring her back to her slip in Palmetto, we are also considering keeping her on the East coast, but I really like the marina I am in (great neighbors) . My plan is to spend that vast majority of time at hull speed and then every 4 hours or so run the boat up to 70-80% load to ensure I take care of the engines.
    I have a diver every other week clean the bottom. I have read numerous threads here on which bottom paint to use and have selected the one that seems to have the best reviews from the Florida crowd — Trinidad Pro or Hd depending on what is available.
    The guy managing the haul out asked what I wanted to do about running gear and he said he loves prop speed and uses it on his boat— 4 down from me in the marina. I have heard many more horror stories about this stuff than not, failing, not lasting more than 3-4 months etc.
    Most said it came down to application, but there are so many who have bad applications, it seems to happen far more then not in warm water.
    The surveyor said he is not a fan. And suggested basically cold galvanize or a high percentage Zinc Paint or just prime and put on bottom paint (hard if memory serves)
    Any advice here based upon where and how I am going to use and keep the boat?
    We plan to haul the boat every 2 years for a new bottom at this point.
  2. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    I get about 1 year out of Prop Speed, it gradually gets thinner until transparent.
    Not a big deal as I use the boat once, sometimes twice a week, heavy growth only if a boat is not being used.
    Having a diver clean the bottom every 6-8 weeks, he keeps bragging about my bottom paint, the Trinidad HD, 13 months so far and in great shape.
    Previous coats were Trinidad Pro, 27 months.
    Got 4 years on the Pro with a Sailboat I owned for 14 years.
    Switched to aluminum anodes last year, they last longer in brackish waters, 13 months so far.
    Never tried the zinc paint.
    luvtocruise likes this.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I leave the running gear bare and have a diver clean the bottom and gear once a month (miami, on the bay)

    propspeed is expensive but the problem is that when maneuvering in shallow water it gets sandblasted away in no time. I can see the benefits for like a sportfish which runs at fairly high speed to and from the fishing grounds and rarely operates in shallow water. Otherwise not worth it especially if most of run time is at hull speed.

    even when anchoring in the Bahamas we stir a lot of sand
    captainwjm and luvtocruise like this.
  4. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I've been using PropSpeed for 15+ years. I've only ever had one problem, and it was a prep/application issue. Great stuff, and I can't imagine having a fixed-running-gear boat without it.
  5. luvtocruise

    luvtocruise Member

    May 1, 2020
    Gear is bare now — I wondered if thats what the P.O. Did as well — thanks
  6. Danvilletim

    Danvilletim Senior Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    isleton, ca
    Is there any special way divers should clean propspeed Props? Or things they shouldn't do?
    luvtocruise likes this.
  7. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    If it's doing it's job properly there shouldn't really be anything to clean. If there is growth, it will come off without any aggressive scrubbing and they should never need to scrape.
  8. gcsi

    gcsi Senior Member

    Mar 18, 2011
    I’m based out of Tampa Bay and have used PropSpeed on my previous Sport Fish and current Motor Yacht. Can’t get past the fact that the west coast of Fl. is shallow and the PropSpeed will begin to noticeably wear within a few months (depending upon use).

    During our last yard event (Owl Creek), the yard manager convinced me to try their method of hard bottom paint over primer. Basically, after prepping running gear they prime, then apply bottom paint while primer is tacky to “lock it in”. I may not be doing the method justice in my description, but, the final product has been best I’ve used in my 40 years of mucking around the west coast of Fl. Truly impressive resistance to growth and the bond is tenacious…
    bayoubud likes this.
  9. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    We've used it for 8 years on multiple boats and never had a problem. The problems people encounter are two fold. First application issues from those not experienced with it. Second, other brands that are rip offs of PropSpeed.
  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I only find it beneficial on a 35 knot SF where your options are prop speed, or nothing as bottom paint and other choices won't stick. I find that prop speed does nothing to stop growth from forming and growing, it just makes it easier for the diver to remove growth with a plastic putty knife or other means. I've found growth does not fall off when you run the boat or anything else with it. So I don't prop speed. On a slower boat, bottom paint does work quite well.....or tri-lux......
    bayoubud, TahoeJohn and captainwjm like this.
  11. d_meister

    d_meister Senior Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    La Conner, WA.
    We had a bottom job done on a 74' yacht at a yard in the Miami river. They were big on selling jobs while the yacht was out. They assumed we would want prop speed (didn't have it before), so they abraded all the metals with 40 grit discs. It looked like they combed it with a rake. We told them to get stuffed on the Prop Speed and the prep work charges, so be careful when having the prep done.
  12. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Prop speed, application technique is critical. But divers merely wipe the surface to clean. Rarely if ever do they need any tools to remove any growth if cleaned every couple of months.

    I use it on my bow thruster props, struts and shafts, rudders and trim tab bottoms. Works well.
  13. jojogogo

    jojogogo New Member

    Jun 28, 2022
    hate to break it to you guys but it's not the application that is the issue with propspeed, it's the product that fails

    I'd say you have a 50/50 chance of it falling off after a few months or keeping it for 1,5 seasons, if you like taking gambles go for it
  14. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach

    I'd say to check your prep. Ive been using it for years on running gear, rudders, bow thruster blades, and trim tab bottoms. No issue with it falling off.
  15. Slimshady

    Slimshady Senior Member

    Aug 17, 2018
    Lighthouse pt
    Not sure what experience you have with prop speed or boating but we've been using it since 07. Professionally applied by Merritt's or Spencer never any issues.
  16. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Hate to break it to you, but you're so obvious with your one post. How long have you worked for a competing product?

    Propspeed for 10 years on a total of 8 boats. All professionally applied. Never a problem. Just wipe gently every month when bottom cleaned. Works 100% as advertised.
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I have mixed feelings on prop speed. I find that it doesn’t inhibit growth at all, it just makes it easier for a river to remove the growth.

    if you have electrolysis issues, no coatings on the props I’d going to stay