Has anyone taken a 100ft+ yacht up the Hudson ?? How far can you go ? Whats good to look at ?? and all the other usual questions that the boss might ask.
Hi Gary - just sent you an IM. Took 63 meter about 100 miles north of West Point. You can go all the way to the Erie Canal, but the bluffs and scenery does not improve much past the Point. Owners love a tour of teh MIlitary Academy and there is an adequate marina there. You can do it in a day, but much nicer to spend the evening around the Academy and takein the local sights. Have fun and glad you are back on the water. Rgds, Stan
This summer I went all the way to Castleton on the Hudson, about 14 miles south of Troy. You can fit very large boats all the way to Troy, large ships and barges frequently berth a few miles south of there. Troy is the end of "tidal" hudson and located at the base of the canal system leading to the great lakes.
Gary, Did the trip in a smaller boat a number of years ago, all the way up to Albany. Not much there back then, so we stayed one night and turned around back south. West Point and Bear Mountain Bridge are two favorite areas, and very scenic. North of there is a lot of river and trees unless you're passing cities. Plenty of commercial traffic so shouldn't have a problem in a 100 footer (just watch out for the mud flats). There was a marina, I think called Half Moon Bay, by Cold Spring, almost across from Havestraw. Check with them to see if you can pull in for an overnighter. There are areas (or were areas) you could anchor out if you like. Planning a fall foliage trip? Take some pics for us southerners (forgot what a fall maple leaf looks like). Capt Tom
Thanks for the info guys. Seems like we are going to Toronto via the St Lawrence but when we come back south we may take a day or 2 to run up the Hudson. Seems that when you get up to the man made portions of the waterway there are low fixed bridges that we can't get under. It was just a whim that I was following up for the boss, but I think our current plan is much better.
Hudson Been up it a couple dozen times while deliverying yachts to the Great Lakes. For sure, a run up during the fall colors is worth the price of admission. Stunningly beautiful!! You will want to call Troy Town Dock to insure they have dockage for you, in advance. Very friendly staff - 800-830-5341. The local Episcopal church's stain glass was done by Tiffanys!! If you are going to run up this far, then you might as well go thru Federal Locks and do Lake Champlain. A visit to Ticonderoga is a must!! Email me is you get short handed for either the St. Lawrence or Hudson trip.