1978 Bertram MY. 58 x 18. I rarely operated from the fly bridge and these days, never. Could use the space to store a dink. Ole Bertie is not stabilized so if the CG comes down and boat looses even some more weight, I think this could be a good ride, looks and performance upgrade. What are the forums thoughts on the alloy arch, alloy top, bridge cowling, seats and rail removal. Nothing left up there but the radar pedestal. Try to ignore that lil 72' Hatt next our real boat.
I think it would look good , but I'd leave nothing up there but a simple anchor light. When was the last time you actually used your radar? If more than a year, Lose it. I think it'll ruin the lines.
+ 1. Reminds me of the motor yachts that were for sale in the back pages of my Dads Motorboating & Sailing magazine that I used to dream about as a kid.
I've used mine once so far..... MUCH more comfortable at the lower helm where it's 72.5ºF seated in my plush genuine simulated leather with my coffee warmer..... Steps from the engine rooms and the galley.... Yeppers, she'll look better without. May even fetch a few $$ for the bits.
If anything I'd leave the Flybridge and loose the hard top. There are times, docking or anchoring or running the boat in shallow water, where a flybridge comes in REALLY handy.
I do believe the bridge and hardtop is coming off this fall. Josie (da wife), asked me to ask you kids how much value would be lost in removing this stuff. She thinks this 41/42 year old boat has cash value. I'm still laughing. I did promise I would ask. What do you kids think?
I think the boat would look great without it. As for value, as long as the job is finished off as if the boat never had a flybridge I can’t see why there would be any devaluation. IMO it will make the boat look better.
Tough one. I almost always run my 53 from the FB but ALWAYS dock from the PH since I have side doors on both sides. The only time I run from downstairs id if raining... In shallow waters like in the Bahamas running from the FB is nice. Well of course in muddy water like North FL, it doesn’t matter as you can’t read the water I love the looks of ... say ... a topless 53 hatt MY . I don’t think it s worth the hassle and lower resale on that Bertie. The arch and hardtop look pretty good. I doubt 500 lbs is going to make a difference
Resale value?? What ever you kids see these things listed for on YachtWorld, Is NOT what they do sell for. By the time we are to old to operate her, we may have to pay somebody to take her away. It's not functional if it's not used,,, ever.. The fiberglass cowling weighs that much. That is plate over pipe making the arch. Alloy panels over tubes for the hard top. I stand on the hard top and it does not move or flex in under my weight. Not visible well, hidden by the storm curtain, full fiberglass benches with integral molded backs. 1 1/4" rails. Reinforced hydraulic steering & air hose, monster clutch, throttle cables & Panish heads. Mechanical gauges with reinforced hoses for them. Dual engine & dual ships wire harness that would make Ma Bell blush. There is at least 3000lbs up there. Will be talking with the manager at Huckins and a couple of fabricators these next few days. Removing all, refinish the glass deck (now roof). New mini arch. Then selling , scraping the old stuff. I can remove the umbilicals from below but others will have to do the heavy work. The only hurdle for me is the final bill. If it is a tall budget, it all stays. Hey Judy, Any thoughts?
There was a 46' MY for sale on the Great Lakes that had no bridge. I thought it looked perfect. If I run across the pic, I'll post it. EDIT: Found it, but it's a 42. You get the idea....
Probably would not affect the value much. Like the visibility from a fly bridge seeing as we have mostly owned SF's.