I thought the same... though maybe they're more of a "trip wire" role. If something touches them it sets off an alarm? They definitely aren't stopping any traffic.
The small yellow crane is called a ship arrestor it is a three inch cable that is stretched across the lock to protect the gates. As ship enters the lock on her own power when it reaches the 25 M mark a computer counts down the distance on a big screen to the stop sign. Ship are moving very slow as it approaches the stop sign, sometimes they hit the ship arrestor about six times a year, if they hit the cable it pays out then tightens up. If they hit cable they have to replace it.
SAFES Just a reminder for any delivery captain or owners coming to Great Lakes and their boat has a safe on board make sure you have the combination for the safe. Had a delivery captain spent a day to locate the owner for the combination.
Took up a new 108' Pershing up the canal yesterday had a good run. I can not believe the number of American yachts coming both way this year. This year with Covid the owners can not be on their boat in the Welland Canal They have to stop in Youngstown NY up bound or in Buffalo down bound and hire an American Captain and two deck hands at a cost of $ 1600.000 US to take their boat through the Welland Canal.
An interesting one today FPB 64 up the canal today https://www.berthon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/fpb_64_spec_02.pdf
Price Gouging Last year when Covid started and the Borders were closed American yachts using the Erie Canal had to take the most direct route to get back into America which is the Welland Canal . In order for the yacht to transit the canal the owner and family can not be on board during transit of Welland Canal as it was considered a pleasure trip. If the owner is operating his yacht he must stop at Youngstown NY (9 miles from canal) and hire a Captain and two deckhands to transit the canal. If the owner has his own captain and deckhand onboard then they must stop in Youngstown NY and drop owner off then his crew is allowed to transit canal and pick him up in Buffalo NY this is considered a commercial adventure. Last year I found two Captains in Buffalo who would do these trips, they would meet the owner at 6 am in Youngstown and would give him is car for the day while he was taking his boat through canal. The hired Captain would would do all the paper work for CBSA and would meet the owner in Buffalo usually around 10 pm that night. Now there is are ten captains doing these trips. Last year they were charging $ 900.00 for Captain and two deckhands. Today they are charging $ 1200 to $ 2500 US for the trip through the canal. I think with time involved $ 1200 is a fair price as he gives you his car and dose paper work for CBSA and it is a long day. Note: only one guy is charging $ 1200 the rest are starting at $ 1700 for trip. Attached are picture of a vehicle that was given to one owner. Note; I am use to working with Professional Captains and these Captain are far from that. July 21/21 is the next day the Canadain Government will announce Border update. I do not think it will open. Most of the people using this service are Loopers.
To my way of thinking, it's two days and with delays that could literally be true. So, I would expect to pay two days at the upper end of a range which could be as much as $1700-1800. I think the $1200 is still on the low side. I know boat captains and crew are use to working 16 hour days, but I've long felt they should charge extra for days over 10 hours. To my way of thinking, not coming from the yachting world, daily rates shouldn't include unlimited hours. So, I have no problem with the $1700 charges. I do hope $2500 comes with a limo ride to Buffalo though. So guess I don't consider it price gouging. I think $900 or even $1200 is underpayment.
Well don't try the patience of the CBSA in Canada. These two found out they aren't pushovers! https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/othe...n-docs/ar-AAMOIDl?ocid=mailsignout&li=BBnb7Kz
Canada Customs As of August 9/21 American yachts and owner can now be on their boats in Canada Option One Owner and all guest on board must now install CBSA new APP (ArriveCan) Must provide a valid Covid 19 test (Molecular) with in 72 hours of arrival into Canada Must have proof of Vaccinations With option one you can go anywhere in Canada Option Two Complete a CBSA (VPAN) 48 hours before you arrive in Canada This is used for Delivery Captains and crew and private yacht owners Captain and crew to but not owner to Transit the Welland Canal and go from one US Port to another US Port With VPAN you are not required to have Covid Test or Proof of Vaccinations The ArriveCan APP will be used by all Candains and Americans entering Canada by Car/Airplane/Marines
Another season coming to an end Made a seven hour run Tuesday from L 8 to L 1 three of the yachts were over 100' rafting in all of the locks. Erie Canal is closing October 13/21 this year and yachts are rushing back from the Great Lakes. In the spring a ship brought 17 yachts from Fort Lauderdale to unload in Sarina Ontario. They were going to ship them back but now the ship has been delayed will not be to Sarina until first week November. A lot of the yachts are now returning by water instead of waiting foe the ship. In this picture two of the yachts were on that ship in the spring.