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1965/66 Chris Craft Dispatcher Restoration

Discussion in 'Chris Craft Roamer Yacht' started by jjs0877, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. jjs0877

    jjs0877 New Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    DePere, WI
    Hi all!! This forum is a great resource for Chris Craft Roamers. Appreciate the time everybody takes to post on the forum.

    I am extremely fortunate to have gotten my hands on this boat. The boat is probably very close to being lost but I'm gonna give it go on restoring the boat. I'll try to DIY most aspects of the restoration. Attached are numerous photos of boat when I got my hands on her.

    There is substantial rust damage on the bottom of the boat...mostly within a foot of the keel. There are also holes peppered on the bottom of the hull. My plan is to cut out the rusted steel and weld new steel in.

    All the interior in the cabin and wheel house will be removed, striped/sanded, and refinished. Interior steel will have to be sand blasted and painted. Railings and toe rail are rotted and will have to be replaced. I have not decided what brand of finish to use. I have been relying on Forums, blogs, and you tube to see what people are using.

    All exterior fiberglass and steel will be repainted. Below water line exterior will also have to be sand blasted. Above the water line, exterior steel looks pretty good. Only a handful of spots have blistered. I think I can sand down to the fairing compound and build back up(I hope). I have not decided what brand of finish to use. I have been relying on Forums, blogs, and you tube to see what people are using.

    The twin 327 engines last ran in mid 2000's. I hate to admit it but I have not looked at the engines yet. I have not even checked to see if they are seized. I figure worst case scenario, they need to be rebuilt or replaced. Either way, I kind of assume this expense will have to happen at some point. I'm more worried about the rust damage.

    I come from a family that has roamer's since the late 1950's. I'm hoping to be a 3rd generation Capitan of a roamer.

    Attached Files:

  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That's one seriously big project. Good luck and good for you restoring her. Looks like you did a nice job in the bow. Hope you'll keep us updated.
  3. jjs0877

    jjs0877 New Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    DePere, WI
    Thanks NYCAP123. She will keep me out of trouble for a few years!!
  4. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Time well spent. (Money spent maybe not so well, but what price for pride and satisfaction.)
  5. gerconst

    gerconst Member

    Aug 19, 2008
    Elk Rapids Harbor, Michigan and Gibraltar, Michiga
    Where did you find her?
  6. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Prolly the most rare, lovely Roamer ever made: [​IMG]
    Need report - wats up with this most beautiful craft CC ever made.
    PS - Roamer world needs hull#/name/history.
    "Tin Tonic"
    1967 CCR Riviera 37'
  7. jjs0877

    jjs0877 New Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    DePere, WI
    She's a beautiful boat. I've attached some pictures to show progress. Unfortunately, I have not touched her in 2 months due to career and 4 kids. I'm in the home construction industry and houses cannot be built fast enough. Even with lumber prices the way they are.

    I have most of the rotten steel cut out of the hull. There is rust bubbling through the paint on the inside of the cabin. Next step is to sand blast and epoxy the interior cabin. I found a used schmit 3.5 sand blaster with hoses and PPE equipment. Unfortunately, a used 375 cfm air compressor has a hefty price. Either I'll rent one or wait until fall to see if prices come down.

    I have all the trim, cabinets and walls in my shop waiting to be stripped and refinished. New age stripper sucks BTW. I want the "dangerous" wood stripper back. I'm starting to wonder if I should try sanding the old finish off.

    Thanks Eric for asking for an update. Composing this post gets me excited to get back at it. Have a great summer fellas. I'll post an update as soon as I get back at it.

    Attached Files:

  8. jjs0877

    jjs0877 New Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    DePere, WI
    Here are some more pics

    Attached Files:

  9. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Hull#/ History -
    Tell us more.
    You are apparently in charge of perhaps THE most rare of all: a 30 foot "Sportsman" - can you imagine?
    Truly one of a kind.
    You need to contact:
    alloyed2sea two sea at yahoo dot com.
    jjs0877 likes this.
  10. Oscarvan

    Oscarvan Senior Member

    Nov 10, 2015
    Chesapeake Bay
    Looks like you know what you're doing. I hope you maintain motivation, as it appears to be a boat worth saving.
    jjs0877 likes this.
  11. alloyed2sea

    alloyed2sea Moderator

    Jan 28, 2004
    Alex, VA
    Meant to say "Dispatcher" - imagine my confusion. (Getting old)
    Apologies to the crowd.
    Clint Eastwood would have said same.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
    jjs0877 likes this.
  12. jjs0877

    jjs0877 New Member

    Dec 4, 2020
    DePere, WI
    Thanks Oscar!! I never restored a boat before. I have experience with wood and steel and hopefully I can put it all together and complete this boat. I also have a family that has restored at least 3 roamers. I can lean on them if I have too. I love working on this boat...I just wish life would not get in may way lol.

    Haha Eric. That is the second time I've seen you call it a sportsman. I understood what you were saying!! Thanks for replying. Keeps my motivation up!!