It’s on the banks near Mackie shoals. Several versions of what happened running around the interweb. But it apparently started with a coral head strike between Highbourne and Nassau.
Wow... strike a coral between highbore and NAS and sinks by Mackie? Must be quite a story... I never run straight between Highbore/Norman’s /shroud and NAS. Always do a dogleg between the white and yellow bank. how have you been? Long time no talk
Wow. I was docked next to this boat at Compass last week. First off all this boat came flying in for no good reason to dock and it was 9:30pm. Risky enough making that channel during the day. And I have no idea why he was coming in so hot. I assume it was on charter but I hadn’t seen a boat that size and age ( not that old) is such bad condition. Boat was dirty had a big green beard on the water line.
I don't know the story, but I was just in Harbor Island and flew home yesterday. My customers friend was the one who rescued them, he was enroute to the Princess rendevous in Chub Cay. I didn't get any details from him. I have pictures when it was less submerged, after the people got off. It was stern down quite a bit, listing to port and the stern door was open. So perhaps flooding in the engine room or aft area of the boat they couldn't contain. In my pics water was over the height of the bottom of the open door. I'll try to post them later tonight when I have time.
We were in Chub Cay the last couple of days. The rumor was that the owner was upset at the captain, and took 2 of the crew with him. The captain, without permission took the boat out by himself. Then, this happened. Now, insurance won’t pay, because the policy stipulates 2 or more crew aboard. Again, how true this is. Just the story floating around at the Marina.
If there is one place I do not come in at night it is compass cay. Plus when you re paying $400/500 dockage a day, why would you waste half the usable time
The ole phrase, "Karma comes back" comes to mind to all involved. SFBs Reminds me to check the air compressor to my torpedo launchers next week. Sometimes these idiots get close before Karma inter-seeds.
No details in the specs I guess the broker is honest and already removed all the soaked stuff from the listing .
I Im good. In between full time work so if you hear of anything I’d appreciate a heads up. The captain at the time of the boat in question has an interesting history. Both with running aground and crew issues. Of course this story has two very different versions, as most do. But he may have screwed himself for good, and the owner, if he really did violate known manning requirements. Although I’m sure the owner could fight it out with the insurance company if the owner had no prior knowledge that the captain was taking the boat back solo.
If the owner had no knowledge of anything, Then the tub was stolen. Probably a blessing, That's an ugly boat.
As of last month, according to a Bahamas Captain's Group on WhatsApp, it was still floating in the same general vicinity.
I guess that means the insurance company has not recovered it. Bad news if post #7 is correct; Now, insurance won’t pay
Heck of a line in your resume ; Stole and totaled a boat. Wonder if the captain is still working in the area?