What is Norman thinking about. He just took delivery of this boat not too long ago. Is there another Norman Expedition Yacht on the horizon or is that it?
Aussie Rules is the first in what is supposed to be a long line of bigger-better expedition yachts. I expect to see a half a dozen more similar boats in the same number of years.
Run Run Forest, Run! Cheers! (Oceanfast shareholders?. Who me? - I neva said nuttin!...only a $19M loss on numba 2)
The sale of Aussie Rules by Greg Norman might be to better finance some of his real estate endeavors. Just an un-educated guess. I heard he is actively aquiring land in Florida and the Bahamas. A friend of mine works on behalf of several of the leading home development contractors in Florida. She locates and aquires land on behalf of these builders and one of her clients is Greg Norman.
You could be right Carl, But, then again why wouldn't he just borrow more $ for that kind of investement - after all, interest rates are at an all time low, and the Land itself would be security against which to secure the debt - why would that necessitate the selling of Aussie Rules II? More likely IMHO with the recent hike in world oil prices above $40.00 a barrel - he probably got his last fuel bill for a fillup and went into anaphalactic shock! he he he Cheers!
Word through the grapevine is... Aussie Rules was sold to a gentleman who was the BlockBuster of the sanitation business.... Wayne Huizinga.