Has anyone had any experience with Iveco marine engines? Looking for performance reliability, pros and cons, marinas or marine service technicians, who can service them in the Chesapeake. Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated.
The Italian company has been making engines for quite a while. Lots of history including now a part of Fiat. I could not tell you of where service centers are hiding. However, I recall Fabio Buzzi won races with these engines. This site may help in finding a local service center.
Thank you for the info. You mentioned a site may help in finding a local service center but I did not see a reference to any site in your post.
We have fitted many Iveco FPT (Fiat Power Train) engines. Brilliant engines, good spare parts supply here in Europe and simple to work on. CAT and FPT have signed an agreement, so check with your local Cat dealer about servicing and warranty.
Good info from Capt Ralph and Fish, very reliable YF posters. Is the boat in your avatar the one with Iveco engines? Sounds like there might be a story in its history. I know of one owner who had Iveco engines and swore by them but, not to cast doubt, his boat was for sale. Judy
Capt Ralph and Fishtigua thank you both for the info and site link. Good Information. JWY, yes the avatar is a 1988 Carver 4207. Purchased it private sale as we knew each other. The vessel was originally gas and it was re-powered in 2005, with N60 ENT M37 in line six cylinders. We would visit during the re-power and observed first hand the extensive upgrades to all mechanical systems. I could go on but won’t bore you with details. I am having alarm activations showing computer codes referencing the main computer module but have not been able to fully resolve them. I am seeking a service tech to diagnose them. Overall we are extremely satisfied with the vessel and it performs very well.
Shore Power Solutions on Kent Island is, I beleieve, a dealer for Iveco. It seems like I have recently seen ads where they are offering a repower special.
Let us know how they work out. Their web site list them as a Cat agent. I guess that is where they get to be the FPT rep. The web site does not mention FPT or Iveco. https://www.shorepowersolutions.net/manufacturers
I did look at their website as well. I sent them an email and will follow up with a phone call to them. I’ll let you know what I find out. Thanks.
I've managed a yacht with the Cat C12.9s made by Iveco I believe. We had tons of issues with them. By 75 hours we had a turbocharger replaced (leaking at hot housing), starter replaced because hard seawater pipe above it leaked onto it, injector pump because it was leaking fuel, entire wiring harness (engine would drop from 2000 rpms to 1450 rpms for a few seconds then pick back up to cruise), sea water pump because someone forgot a shipping seal on an oil passage designed to lubricate it.....and 4 thermostats.......
I had a pair of Cummins sent direct to the main European Dealer for a full rebuild. Within 24 hours, sent back for such a bad job. I love my Cummins but will not stand for a half-assed job. All dealers should be held to a high account.
Oh, and most of our Iveco motors are singles fitted to commercial fishing boats doing 50/60 hours a week. No pussy-footing with those boys.
Our Carver had gas engines and the re-power was done with a pair of N60 ENT M37 Iveco, 370 HP. Have 600 hours and only have minor fault alarms that I am unable to diagnose without the required electronic diagnostic tools. Shore Power Solutions do not work on Iveco engines and they do not know of anyone who does. I checked with a Cat service center and they report there is no merger/integration with FPT that they are aware of. I am waiting for a response from Carey Diesel as I dealt with them on Volvo power in the previous boat.
I think Fish just gave you a good lead. I've never run a pleasure boat with Iveco but I seem to remember them on one or two of the work boats I ran. Ask around at a commercial dock and you'll probably find someone good.
And, in the remote chance you do find someone to work on them, where on earth do you find the parts? We were waiting 4-6 weeks on parts everytime one of those C12.9's had a major issue, which was every other month. Motors were so problematic, owner got rid of the yacht after the first year. The boat was broken more than it wasn't.
Good info and I will be checking with some commercial docks. I’ve only needed some electronic modules and obtained them through Mid-Atlantic Engine Supply in Cinnaminson, NJ. I believe the engines were purchased through them but could not confirm. I had them send a service tech a couple of times but I’m trying to locate a closer service to help avoid the astronomical mileage, tolls and travel time costs from Cinnaminson to the Galena area. I have been successful in diagnosing and corrected most other minor issues.