what are the advantages of going to prop speed over just bottom paint on pods?as new application would involve stripping pods down to bare metal vs just a recoat of bottom paint.
I find putting Prop-Speed on is better when warmed. Bought a $50 microwave oven and got it to a warm temp in a very cold boatyard.
Pettit vivid with echinecea is copper free so it won't cause a issue with dissimilar metals and works good and stays on good. I have done this on my running gear for years no issues. Get some first hand knowledge, don't believe everything you hear from the internet.
Don't believe everything you hear from the internet about issues with dissimilar metals, either. My hull is antifouled with CopperCoat, which is essentially a mixture of fine, pure copper powder and epoxy resin. Job done three years and a half ago, with zero issues so far with any submerged metal bits. Besides, I appreciate that these days the "copper free" claim has become a marketing tool, but the idea that using copper+hard resin to antifoul boats can harm the environment is not only intuitively, but also scientifically laughable.
From Yachting a few years back: "Painting pods will cost a bit more too. “We get a lot of oyster growth inside the drive intakes,” Siebert said. “You can’t take the grate off to clean or paint in there.” His solution is to spray Interlux Trilux 33 or Pettit Alumaspray Plus from aerosol cans inside the seawater intakes. Siebert removes all loose paint from the drive, sanding down to shiny metal with 100-grit sandpaper, and then applies primer and two thin coats of Trilux 33 or Pettit Vivid copper thiocyanate anti-fouling paint.
But you said: "Get some first hand knowledge, don't believe everything you hear from the internet." Then you post on the internet and say to believe it. lol
I am not familiar with the Petit vivid, but Tri lux 33 is a special paint that you need to use their primer first, for metals.....it works well on running gear on yachts that cruise under 20 knots, after that it blows off (traditional running gear). But Tri-lux 33 isn't traditional bottom paint.
Not familiar with pods, but generally Prop-Speed is not recommended for shallow water like the Keys or Bahamas. The sand stirred up will blast P-S right off.
I hadn't heard that. Guess fortunate I hadn't as we've been using prop speed for 8+ years including the Keys and Bahamas and haven't experienced that. But then we don't stir up a lot of sand.