I am so glad you went with the 8.3s as we had all discussed. After near 3 1/2 years, looks like things are about to happen. Please keep lots of R&R pictures coming. We like to watch.
Engines and Genset are finally in! Fuel lines and Water and exhausts are done! Working on wirings now!
What props did you end up going with? Is that a new generator? Will it have a sound shield? I'm a little surprised you didn't paint the engine room while the engines were out?
No, I havent decided on new prop yet, will seatrial with the old one first! Then I would need suggestions on new prop and shaft and trim tabs / interceptors... Yes, new generator and with sound shield! Yes, I did paint the whole engine bay but all the installation work has made it very dirty...
I understand the engine room paint issue. I did the same. Painted it with engines out then pretty much ended up painting again after the work was done. Although I'm not sure mine got beat up as much as yours appears top be. I still have a few final areas to finish touching-up this winter. Why do you have to wait for sea trial for props? You have a pretty well known hull. I would imagine any reputable prop manufacturer could get very close if not spot on for a prop recommendation. Unless you are just hoping that your originals will be OK? Here again, they should be able to tell you. When I did my repower I changed gear ratio, made big weight changes in the boat, different hp, etc and yet Veem was still able to nail my prop needs right out of the box. In fact, I was shocked at how well they did.
When I repowered my 53 Hatteras with C series I had a good prop shop run the numbers and the result was spot on. if your existing props are way off, a sea trial with them will useless. May as well get them repitched as a starting point
Yes, beat up is a good word to explain the situation. This is the best level of service I can get locally that who would take on this project. Im just happy someone is willing to work on my boat. First, I dont know which brand of propeller I should get. Second, There is no proper propeller specialize shop or dealer here aka no one professional here to advice me locally. Repower project is rare here. If you have a good contact please let me know. Else I will just cold calling those brands...
You can contact Veem directly. They will give you a form to fill out with all the particulars for your boat. Then they will make a recommendation. Veem will drop ship props just about anywhere in the world. Mine came to me from DHL and it’s harder to get to me than Hong Kong
I second going with Veems, with the intercepter props, you can change the pitch very easily by simply replacing the plastic strips in the prop.
Another vote for Veem. We installed new Interceptor props on our boat last year. They were very close out of the box... a 20 min short haul to change out the strips and we hit the #'s we were shooting for.
I got these suggestions from them Propeller Style : VEEMSportfish-C Pair Diameter : 28 inch Pitch : 38.5 inch Blades : 5 Does 5 Blades sounds right? I thought 4 is the way to go?
I went from 4 blade to 5 blade and quite happy with results. Others may have different opinions. More blade area is supposed to give more lift.
We had the same experience as Dockmaster going from 4 blade Michigan wheels to 5 blade Veem's. Picked up roughly 1kt at cruise and a bit of efficiency.
Going through the forms now... I have no idea the details they ask for about the shafts unless I take the prop off? Shaft Diameter 2.250inches Taper Ratio ? Taper Length ? Key Width ? Key Height ?