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Is fairline 62 targa gt a good boat?

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by john1999, Feb 13, 2021.

  1. john1999

    john1999 New Member

    Dec 18, 2020
    am looking at several options such as
    sunseeker 57 predator
    fairline 62 gt
    sunseeker 50 predator
    560 galeon skydeck
    all are around 2013 to 2019 models
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I'd rate Sunseeker above the other choices......If you can swing the 62-64' Sunseeker Predator, that is an AMAZING hull and ride, best in class and better build quality than the others you're thinking of. I'd put Princess above the latter two and slightly below Sunseeker overall. Although the 54' express they built doesn't run well (can't see over the bow when running, it runs so bow high). Fairline has been in and out of bankruptcy, their build quality is ok to good, but I've seen a lot of design issues where you just scratch your head and say, who on earth thought of doing this, this way. I hear the Galleons are decent quality but no direct experience.
  3. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Maybe so, if compared only with the other previously mentioned models.
    But if we consider as "class" the type/size of boats, the Predator doesn't stand a snowball chance in hell to win a best in class contest.
    On top of being a bit larger and (imho) even better as build quality, the Pershing 64 is capable of performances the Sunseeker can only dream of.
  4. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you consider "class" as the type/size of boats, then I wouldn't consider Pershing with surface drives and designed for performance to be in the same class. Not the same target customer and, especially in this case, not mentioned or asked about by the OP. A better comparison to the Predator would be Riva and I don't even consider them to be in the same product grouping, but Riva also capable of performance the Sunseeker isn't. Still Capt J address the OP, didn't go off on a tangent.
  5. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    True that. I do notice the OP is all over the board though, no real class there at all. Predators and Galeon Skydecks are a far from similar, which does leave one open for other suggestions possibly. You are correct though, John1999 did have specific boats to compare and his only question was is the Fariline Targa 62GT a good boat. Of course it is. Good for what? Good at what? I don't know. It looks good though:)
  6. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Mmm... Didn't he, when he identified the Pred 64 as best in class to someone who only mentioned the 50 and 57 - and threw also Princess into the debate?

    Regardless, I couldn't care less about the right definition of "class" - if any. Everyone can pic his own poison.
    If we want to stick to the one and only OP question, which is in the title, my personal short answer is yes, because there's a lot more to like about that boat, compared to all others the OP mentioned.
  7. john1999

    john1999 New Member

    Dec 18, 2020
    thanks for all the input
    how about :
    2017 Azimut Atlantis with v8man 900s v drive, as another option at the lower end of this price range?
    upper salon is open but with aft isinglass ac should hopefully be somewhat efficient in south fl
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes, I am keeping in class. OP is talking about European MY expresses with traditional props and shafts. Specifically compared the 62' Fairline to much smaller Sunseeker Predators, a Galleon and something else. It's only logical to compare the fairline to a 62-64' Sunseeker and well the only other English step child would be the Princess 62' express....would be apples to apples............ Of the choices the OP presented, Sunseeker is the clear leader in performance, quality and ride. I can speak on Riva as I've never run one. Another boat to consider would be a Neptunus express.

    Pershing is in a totally different realm with Arnesons. Most owners and even a lot of Captains can't run them, can't trim them properly, and they have entirely different handling characteristics both at the dock and in a sea, they're performance all the way, bottom/props need to be crystal clean at all times, more maintenance, much harder to run and dock. You're comparing a Ford Mustang GT to a Ferrari challenge car with that comparison.

    Azimut is a lot of headaches as far as maintaining one.
  9. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Listen, let's get rid of the class concept, whatever that means.
    I only used it in reference to your "best in class" claim for the Predator 64 - a boat for which I do believe most buyers would ALSO consider the Pershing 64 as an alternative, even if I agree that they are different in more ways than one.

    Back to the point, among the boats the OP mentioned, my preference would be for the Fairline, hands down.
    If yours would be for either the Predator 50 or 57, well, we can only agree to disagree, I reckon.
  10. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    We can agree to disagree, but Fairline was in serious financial trouble in that era 2013-2019, or for the first 2/3s of that era. They didn't build many yachts during that time period, and you hardly see them on this side of the pond. I've had the pleasure of running 2 of them and one of them was a 78'. A lot of placement of items was just not good, the interior design was not good, and the build quality was all over the map, some areas done very well, and other areas of the boat items were just thrown in there with no though. On this 78', the entire forward half of the salon level, my head rubbed against the ceiling (it was that low) and I'm 6'3, in the first half if I had sunglasses on top of my head they rubbed on the ceiling. A 1" sill on each door frame so you always busted your feet going through stateroom doors. The master sink faucet was so low and close to the sink that you could only get your hands under it if they were horizontal. Many items like this. Boat performed horribly also as far as speed and range and had no range.....180NM on a 78'. They got the COG too far aft and until you burned off half fuel at cruise it was teeter tottering between 17-19 knots back and forth back and forth.....with the tabs all of the way down........

    There is only 1 62' Targa for sale in the U.S. and 2 65' Flybridges. The 62' Targa has a million steps everywhere throughout the boat, steps into staterooms (with those god forsaken sills on the doors), steps in the middle of's like no thought was made on the interior, like they just screwed wood to existing stringers wherever it ended up. The master has a 6" step in the middle of the stateroom and the salon is very narrow. You can't even get out of the forward half of the dinette because the steps are in the way. Plus the engines are Volvo's and butted up against the forward bulkhead so tight you can't service anything on them. Sunseeker on the other hand, has flat floors, flat staterooms, the door sills are flush with the floor, you know like an architect got on a computer and actually designed the interior of the yacht, like all good builders do.........even Azimut does that.....

    Here, look at the pictures and focus on the flooring and door sills, and other things that I mentioned, the boat has a million steps everywhere and the sills stick up 1" above the floor height.

    2013 Fairline Targa 62 GT Sports Cruiser for sale - YachtWorld

    In comparison here is a same era 2014 60' Sunseeker. If you look at the pictures, the floor is completely flat throughout the helm level and aft deck with only a step up for the companion helm seat. Stateroom floors are flat, No door sills sticking up, better layout in all areas and a lot roomier. An engine room where you can actually walk around the motors to the outbound side versus having to climb over them with the gears buried under wood work.......A dinette directly across from the galley with a flat floor without any steps to trip over and spill your food everywhere.

    2014 Sunseeker Predator 60 Express Cruiser for sale - YachtWorld
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
    Fiammetta42 and gr8trn like this.
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Part of the issue is opposite sides of the Atlantic. I can tell you without any hesitation that most US buyers would not consider the Pershing at all as an alternative to the Predator. You see which boats the OP lumped together and others do when they come here to ask. Perhaps in the med buyers would look at all boats of a similar length and include Pershing and Riva and many other performance brands, but here the typical buyers of Sunseeker, Princess, Azimut, Galeon, and Prestige are not even mentioning or thinking of Pershing. Pershing's market share is far greater in Europe than the US and I suspect much of that is that it's a far better boat for the Med than for cruising the ICW.
  12. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Lower end of the price range will mean lower end of the s
    Rather than saying this one is better than that one, you have taken the time to point our why this is your opinion. Quite valuable to anyone considering this "class". Sorry, could not help myself. Although I would put Riva and Pershing in the group as they are sport coupes, surface drive or not.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Arnesons are a VERY HARD sell in this size range and over here. Especially for owner operators. I'd say that out of all of the owner/operators of 60-65 yachts that are proficient, only about 10% of those could safely maneuver an Arneson boat in their normal travels. (Docking, ICW operation, etc.)
  14. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Fair enough, I have no problem to take your word for it.
  15. john1999

    john1999 New Member

    Dec 18, 2020
    yes that is the 62 Fairline gt i looked at in south florida.
    as far as preditors i am looking at slightly newer and a bit more expensive 57s,which are nice,but they also have a small interior when salon doors are do make great points about all the steps in the Fairline search is basically centered on the condition of the vessels and the amount of work to be done to bring them up to nice condition.i am open to both sportboats and flys that is why my search is varied.i looked at two sunseeker manhattans but both and fried gelcoat,at lease i think that need paint as it is rough with some spider cracks, leaky portholes,and some to total milky interior wood. liked the boats but dont want to wait 2 months for all the fixes that these boats need,not to mention most likely $150000 to $200000 to make the very nice again.