I know in regards to the Flybridge model only 2 were built. One with C18's and another with C32's. More Express models were built but don't have an exact number. There is an 09' listed for sale in Cabo with C18's. Listing is odd though and lacks photos of the actual boat for sale.
I ran the express 52’with c32’s about 900 nm’s. Boat ended up around at. Maarten or that area when new, but owner traded up since then. Honestly, the man boats rode better due to the 4500 ish less lbs of machinery, were quieter at cruise, and faster by about 2 knots. I ran the one 52’ FB with C18 cats, it ran good, 26.5 knot cruise, had a hardtop and Davit on bow, also went down to around the French islands (Guadalupe I think) then I heard it made its way to CA area, it has a yellowish beige hull. I don’t think they ever built an express with c18’s. if you want to look at another great running boat from that era with. At power. The hatteras 54 is a great boat and all had cat power.
I've never been on either and I know fishermen who swear by the sound of CAT's attracting fish, but I've also seen a huge CAT leaning by HAT followers and by US buyers and feel often like this is based in history, not current. While not on these boats, I like the size and weight and performance of MAN's, but even more I like the lesser noise from them. I heard parts and repairs were once more expensive but finding that not the case today.
I was originally looking at convertible boats but ran across a 45 cabo express and really liked it. It will mainly be a fishing boat but I have 3 little kids and the express will be easier to manage with kids on board. The whole crew in the same space has also kind of grown on me with the express
I agree that the MAN is not as expensive as it was but I'm an excavating guy...we know and own lots of cat equipment and C15 motors....with lots of parts commonality
The 45’ cabo is a great running boat with either c18’s or 1100hp mans. 39.5 or 32 knot cruise. It likes the aft tank kept full by transferring the bow tank early as you go. I prefer the 44’ htx over the 45’ due to the fiberglass hardtop, glass side windows and ride and the hatteras 45’ ex over that. I put a lot of hours on the 45’s. They’re a great boat and catch fish. as for mans, I wouldn’t be afraid of them. They’d be my preference in the 52’ and you’re going to be hard pressed to find a cat 52’ and given the trade offs wouldn’t want one.
This is the one for sale now 2007 52 CABO, BLUELINE with MAN CRM 1550 HP with 4200 hours. The maintenance schedule on the MAN engines is a bit scary. Last one i looked at had 1900 hours and just had the 2000 hour service. What am i looking at for a 2000 hour service on the CRM...and what is a realistic life expectancy on these things? I read a lot of people start budgeting for rebuilds at 5k hours. Boat is listed as a tournament fishing boat, so i would assume it would get run just like mine, 2 hours at high cruise out, troll all day, 2 hours back.
Crazing issue? Almost every 45 i look at has the problem to some degree...what about a 52 from the same generation?
Crazing issue is not model specific. All Cabo's of that era are impacted to varying degrees based on climate they are kept and how much wax is kept on the gelcoat to protect from uv. I believe that CCP started using a new formulation of gelcoat in later years but I can't confirm that for certain. My thought is that in 2004 the lawsuit launched. I would imagine builders started asking some questions and wanting some answers around that time.
When you look closely at the MAN maintenance schedules, they aren't as bad as some think. There is no specific additional 2000 hour service either. It's all the 400 hour service + adjusting valve clearance which is 400, 1200, 2000 etc. Then there are the 2 year and 4 year schedules. At 2 years, a lot of remove and clean but the only thing replaced is the valve caps on the expansion tank. At 4 years, engine coolant and hoses all changed. It's really an excellent preventive maintenance schedule. We have MAN's now on two boats that are over 8 years old and not a single problem on either plus we manage 2 more that are slightly newer. Here is the MAN schedule. https://marinedieselspecialists.com/man-maintenance
According to the link that you provided, the valve clearance checking/setting is supposed to happen at 400, 800, 1600, 2400, 3200, and 4000 hours.
Thank you for the link....originally I was told that these motors got the cylinder heads replaced at 2000 hours....along with a whole bunch of other stuff. That is one reason I have avoided boats with them for a long time.
2000 hr service on a non common rail 800 hp MAN gets all individual heads replaced...along with turbos...that is just crazy to me