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Looking for Coastal Cruiser

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by LuvBigBoats, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    That is great to hear, congratulations. Poland is producing Elan sailing yachts as well. You must be thrilled.
    If you don't mind, what is your previous boat and what else did your consider? This seems to be a great vessel for SoCal Catalina cruises.
  2. Shahrouz

    Shahrouz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
    Ventura, ca
    Thanks! We both had very high expectations and it still exceeded ours. They flew in a team of 4 top guys from MarineMax Dallas since last Thursday to handhold me with commissioning and working through issues...none yet shockingly after 150 mile run from San Diego to Avalon Friday night, to MDR Saturday with rough seas and yesterday towards Malibu. Be glad to show you ours sometime. My other boat was/is Regal 32. I also considered an Aquila 44 Cat 2yrs ago but this has been my main pick for past 4yrs. Galeon only in U.S. via Marine max 5yrs and already #2 seller in 40-65' range and soon to be #1 this year according to them. Only problem is we were looking to buy a used 1-3 yr old Sept 2020 and everyone listed had sold so we bought a 2021 that was 1 of 5 slated for FLIBS and had it redirected straight to San Diego. These range $1.3M to $$1.6M after negotiations.
  3. gr8trn

    gr8trn Senior Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Thanks, that will be valuable information for many readers here. I am always curious to know more about the boating journey as it is so varied and ,in your case, wonderful.
    Again congratulations to you and MarineMax and Galeon.
  4. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    I'm not at all familiar with the Galeon. Will check them out. We wanted to go a bit larger than 50 but I see they make other models as well.

    Did you research them and come to any conclusions in terms of build quality compared to others?

    Edit: Just looked at a few online. Very sharp. Curious what did you like more about this over the Aquila? I like the Aquila also.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
  5. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    My search got delayed but picking up this coming week.

    One question I'd like to resolve--since one of my goals includes possible long range cruising at hull speed--am I making a mistake looking at boats like the 63 Hatt RPH, which has the 3412e engines, or even other boats with twin engines that have displacement or semi-displacement hulls?

    I read elsewhere in other posts here that these engines are not made for running at slow speed and you get soot build-up and possibly worse running at hull speed.

    I was thinking on the Hatt, for instance, to get 8-10 knots I probably wouldn't be running much above idle RPMs. Is that a bad thing?
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The general rule is to wind it up for about a half hour every 8 hours. You should have no problem if you follow that.
  7. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Actually the 3412e's are economical at low 550 rpm or high idle 650 rpm , a lot of sportfish boats are powered with 3412e's that troll all day then are cleared out running back to the dock. They start getting hungry cruising beyond 900 rpm. A bit more engine to maintain in the long run than 6 cylinders, 44 gal per oil change + more of everything. They are dependable engines. I would think twice about going to a single engine. We looked at the Hat 63 rhp, great boat but I did not want another pair of 12 cylinder engines for our use of cruising, knowing we would be doing 8 to 10 kts most of the time. If you can get 15/18knt at plane you can still cover some miles if needed.
  8. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    OK good to know, thanks.
    Thanks for the good info.

    Tend to agree on the 3412s being overkill and I'm really trying to keep cost of ownership down. Problem is I just love the layout and build quality of the 63 RPH and having a tough time finding one with smaller engines. Also I feel like I'll get some savings from the jacket water cooled aftercoolers versus everything else out there.

    Anyone know of any other boat that comes close?
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Not off hand. The build quality of the Hatteras is second to none in that size. Perhaps take a look at the 63' Sunseeker Manhattan. If you really like the layout of the 63' Hatteras, I would just go for it. While you spend the money on maintaining the bigger engines. The boat should be painted with Awlgrip which requires no waxing, just wash with the Awlwash soap, so that should save you on annual costs. The problem with the fast trawlers is most of them have huge exterior maintenance keeping up with all of the varnish, teak decks, waxing gelcoat......etc...... Which the Hatteras has very little exterior maintenance costs in comparison.
  10. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Thanks. Have looked at a lot of Manhattans online. Most have Mans, and while I've read your posts on Mans it turns out in my area (Los Angeles) there's really only one outfit that works on them and parts are hard to get and sometimes delayed significantly, so I'm ruling those out. Also they don't seem to have anywhere near the ER space of the Hatt. ER space may be the trade-off though, and there are a couple Manhattans with Cats out there.

    Btw, I'm looking at the 2001-2002 vintage.
  11. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Be hard to find the same quality in that size. Still there are other brands that are good. Hatteras had the 63 with c18's as a power option, but have never saw one advertised. I would have been all over that had one been available. When we were looking at Hat 63's Capt J mentioned to find one with c18's, there just aren't any. The Ocean Alexander 64 PH is a nice boat, not a Hatteras but nice layout and decent er. The older models had Cat 3406e's which would be a good setup for your use.
  12. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Thanks. Yeah I haven't seen one with C18s either.

    We're looking at boats from 52 to 64. The OA 548 looks nice also. There's one local that I'm checking out Tuesday with C12s. Also checking out a 540(?) with 3196's and 55 and maybe a couple 64's with 3406's.

    Also thinking of looking at Navigators (61 or 62, anything smaller has a pretty narrow beam), which seem like a solidly build boat, Hampton, Neptunus, Offshore, maybe West Bay. Unfortunately no Hamptons on the West Coast. They seem pretty close in quality to OA.
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I managed/maintained and ran one back when it was nearly new. It ran very well with C 18's.......23.5 knot cruise.....easy on fuel...... the 64' with C32's will run 20 knots at 100 gph at around 1650 rpms.

    Actually the Neptunus 63' is a good running boat, those had C18s and would be in your price range.
  14. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Those C18s on the Hatt's are like Big Foot now.

    Good info on Neptunus. You'd rate them higher quality-wise over Hampton, OA, Offshore, West Bay, Navigator?
  15. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes. They're a straight forward boat, built with easily sourced mostly U.S. parts, excellent owners manual detailing where everything is with pictures, everything is accessible for maintenance, good sea boat, perform well, thick teak (when new), etc. etc....... They're not a Hatteras, but a pretty well built boat. Gelcoat doesn't have a super shine to it, and I've had to replace the chiller insulation in the engine room on some of them, but the insulation is easy to change for someone to DIY.
  16. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Thank you again.

    You mention the 63 above but all I'm seeing in my price range are 62s, mostly with C18's. Same view on those?
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yeah, 63' was older model I believe.......62' was their best selling yacht. I had one in a 5-7' beam sea, towing a 25' Robalo and it handled it very well.
  18. Shahrouz

    Shahrouz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
    Ventura, ca
    Suggest take a look at the Galeon 640 Fly, that also has beach mode and Love the Walk through bow access from main salon.

    The versatility is really impressive, it’s a transformer and the fit and finish is really on a completely different level than Aquila. Just in the seven days of having it and took it to Catalina, Malibu and at the marina you wouldn’t believe how many comments and visits I get from others. I love the full beam massive master on the Aquila and flybridge access to bow and it’s still one of my favorites but it’s a whole different build with materials etc. also consideration is catamaran only can use end tie so cost and availability might be important considerations.
  19. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Again, good to know, thanks. Having trouble finding a hard top with lower steering station right now but I may need to bend on one of those. Or wait... Or get something else.... Checking out the Hatt tomorrow.

    Thanks--they are out of my price range, at least the ones for sale now in the U.S. Glad you're enjoying yours!
  20. LuvBigBoats

    LuvBigBoats Member

    Feb 9, 2016
    Los Angeles
    Went and looked at four boats today. Whew.

    The Hatt clearly is a step above the OAs. Each of the OAs I saw (3 total) had large amounts of crazing in the gel coat. Amazing that they would have allowed that to happen on such high end boats, but whatever. One was very old looking and the price reflected it. Not sure I want to get involved with a project right now. The other was a 64 that was nice but way overpriced. The last was a 548 that was pristine except for the crazing and a small amount of rust on the swim step fittings.

    The main thing I wasn't crazy about on the Hatt was the walkaround area. Was not recessed below the deck and the rail wasn't very high, making things a little on the treacherous side when walking around. Oh, and the dark coating on some of the side windows was worn off, leaving those windows looking pretty bad. Not sure if that's something I can get fixed. Lastly there were several areas where paint work was needed, but not a huge deal. The 3412e is just a beast. I've already commented on my hesitation based on additional maintenance cost. Also the master bed faces sideways instead fore/aft. Not sure why they did that.

    The engine room of the Hatt was of such high caliber it was pretty amazing. Clean, everything looked incredibly sturdy, full stand-up height. The OAs' engine rooms weren't bad, just had to crouch a little, and the last one I saw (a 548) clearly was in much better shape than the other two. Also would be nice avoiding those aluminum fuel tanks on the OAs.

    I'm interested in the Hatt and the last OA I saw, but still want to look at Hamptons, Neptunus, Offshore and Navigator. Unfortunately no Hamptons, Neptunus or Offshores for sale locally as of now.

    Thanks all for the help with what to look for.