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AICON 64..?

Discussion in 'Aicon Yacht' started by OceanDay, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    You always tack a good horse, Charter operations don't.
  2. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    In California there is 10% sales tax and it is not so easy as in Florida just pay the $18000 and get in registered. Califprniab has 10% sales tax and 1.1% annual property tax of the value. If decided to keep the BVI registry at first and later if decide to just transfer the asset from the BVI to USA based LLC - transfer assets from one company to another taxes can be exempt from what I understood. The other way is buy the boat and register it in USA keep it out of CA state for 12 months and then bring it in to be exempt from the 10% sales tax.... we are talking big money here.. this is why California does not have lots of boats as it is expensive hobby :(... disappointing
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Corp tax..
    If the boat is buried in a corporation, Taxes are on a whole different playing field.
  4. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Ok Guys I agree. It seems too many red flags.. I guess I will just move on and wait to see what 2021 will bring in.

    Happy New Year to everyone.

    Stay Safe
  5. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    None that I know as relevant as he's not going to be earning money on it.
  6. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    The Aicon 64 was possibly the best boat Aicon build in its decade long story.
    Now the brand has been bought by an American and the new 66 will use the 64 hull (designed by Sergio Cutolo of CDM fame) with some spray rail modification.
    I have known an owner or two of a 64 who where happy with the boat.
    One owner kept it for 4 years clocking about 800 hours (mostly in the Adriatic), then he upgraded to the 75 and that he said was an inferior boat to the 64.

    As for Aicon not selling, that is a wrong misconception, as the company sold well beyond the most positive predictions.
    The 56 sold over 100 units production 2003-09. And 64 sold over 30 units production 06-12.
    Not so good seller was the 52 which was a question of having a price similar to the 56 and offering much less, and the 54 which was a revamped 52. Less to ten was sold of these.
    62 and 72 Open sold well, over 20 the first, and over 10 the second. About five to ten for the 75 (launched in 07) where made and same for the 85.
    58 released in 09 for 10 model year never got going. May be they made five of these.

    Aicon most known defect models 03-06 is fading gelcoat. Which will not polish itself out well so a repaint is due in these models.
    It is possible this effected mostly the early 52-56 models as I have never seen it on 64 models.
    Aicon positive was its cabinetry making as the company was in-fact a furniture maker for boats since the early nineties.
    The layout and looks of the boat are good and the hull was not a bad one. The first 52-56 where designed by Fulvio De Simoni.
    Construction wise I hear mixed reports for the 56, while the 64 I always was given positive reviews.

    The company now is relaunching with American ownership with a 66 model based on the 64.
  7. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    Thank you Mr Liam. Like I said from my previous writings, I did not get the feeling from the people who actually owned and or experienced the Aicon 64 that was a bad boat. I can't say nothing about the 56 model or the earlier years builts as this was not part of my research goal. It is sad that there is just not much info on the web about them. Like I said I did light research on some other brands and they all seem to have issues either with the gelcoat, the engines they use, the electrical and so on.....

    My stop is on Azimut, Aicon, Ferreti in similar year and size but since there is just not enough boats on the market in the budget it is very hard to judge or make a call.

    I am not sure what is true and what is not at this point with this particular boat that I am looking but there are couple of things that pushing me back
    Number one: The direction that the marine attorney is pushing maybe is not the right direction.

    Number two:
    Regardless of the reason for the recent repairs even if it was not a damage as the seller said after such major repairs I belive it needs more time to be tested to ensure that the boat is safe and work was done good.
    Doing survey at this point maybe premature so like I said I will just wait and see what 2021 bring in

    If there is any further development or I change my mind I will let you guys know.

    Thank you everyone and Happy New Year.

    Wish everyone good health and lots of happiness
  8. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    OP not at all trying to pile on but in post 52 you said that Sea Love Boatworks which you were told is one of the best. I had no choice but to pull in there (strangely enough I split the case of a ZF, not by at hard grounding but something internal to the transmission). This all happened about 3 years ago. Management has changed just recently since then. But Sea Love at that time was an absolute mess. They said they could do the work of changing the transmission but after 10 days went by and no feedback on how, and how much. I paid what i owed and hired a captain to take it to Commache Cove. They had very little in house competent help and I found out that ZF no longer made the transmission that split so I had to (in my mind) change both. My point is that I was not comfortable with them, and it is hard to see a them as one of the best. Look their work over carefully. Work may be fine bit look it over. Good luck.
  9. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    Why did you change your member-name from "Ivan G" to "OceanDay?"
  10. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Also changed his location.
  11. OceanDay

    OceanDay Member

    Dec 20, 2020
    OceanDay sounf Better to me as a nick name and I don't see why not since most of the people here are using some type of Nick Name including your self.
    And I don't like people asking me why am I not looking to buy from LA or judge based on location where I live.. hope it makes sense. Anyhow there is no further discussion needed on the forum on the said boat as I am not planning to buy it at this point.
  12. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Lots of good guidance in this thread but it’s getting a bit bizarre. The OP wanted his name changed, then he changed his profile. Now he wants me to remove the thread because he’s concerned it is damaging to the Aicon name. All of this leads me to believe what I originally suspected.

    The thread is being closed and it will remain indexed.
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